Nuhou, Volume I, Number 21, 6 May 1873 — TRADE NEWS. [ARTICLE]


• MONDAV, MAI 5, 15,7,1. The week opena wiih some littlc animaiion in business cudes, the i'eaeiion of last \veek's stir and bustle not yet liaving set in. \Vhalesnip3 Java aml Jireh Perry and steamer Costa Rica sailed on Saturday last, tlio former tvro for the Arctic, and the latter for San Franci,sco, laking a full cargo valued at $86,022.12, of whieh $73,6-19 50 is the footiag of doatest!c procUice. The only foreign arriyal since o«r last has been the whale bark Onw-ard, Hayes, ten month«i out, wUh 400 barrels sperni aiul 100 barrels whale, whieh she will land here, and proceed jNorth. This is probably the last of aur spring tleet, and will •ifford an opportunity of sending a mail toward the latter part j©f ihe week. 13ark D. C. Murruy U loading rapidly for San Franeisco and will get off on Wednesday next, al«o the U. S. S, Cali/ornia and barks Camden and $i<arroivhatvk expect to get off Hie Bame day. This will leave our harbor somewhat bare of shippin£. - l MHAHV OF RECEIPTS OF I)OMKSTIC l»B01UCfc" FOH TĪIB WEEK EM)ING MAY 3. Awa, bnchs.3oo: Molasses, bbls... S5 Beef, bbis 12 Oniom?, net5........... 16 Butter, pkg?i........... 15 Pigs, No.. 6 Oollee, bag5........,, lOOiPulu, ba1e5......7 bx6-............. 2 Paddy, bag5........... 37 Fungus, ba1e5.......... 10 Rice, bags.4oo Fiah,'bbls 2 : Su?ar Cane, bndls.,... 150 <Soat £lsma, pes3o Sugar f 4,391 Hogs, 10; b&ge 1,180 ilhle3. pc5............. 119 Tallov,% bb15........... 11,,kogs.. ' fiolWood, cordsls