Nuhou, Volume I, Number 21, 6 May 1873 — Along the Wharves. [ARTICLE]

Along the Wharves.

Whaiincr bark Onward is discharging her oil near the Kilauea'e wharf. Sehooner Mary Foster at the steamer-8 wharf, will leaye again this afternoon for Hilo, Schooner Dauritless at Brewer & Co's wharf, is up for Hilo via Lahaina and Kawaihae, to sail this afternoon, Bark D. C. Murray is loading at the same wharf for San Franeiseo to sail to-morrow, Behooner Luka is being overhauled at the old cuBtom wharf, and will be put on short!y for Kauai, Sehooner Annie at the eomer of.the E>plauade will get„off tlus aftcrnoon for llilo, Sehooner Rob Roy at the old iee hou§e wharf, will get off this afternooii for Koolau. Sehooner John Young at the satne wharf, is up for Waialua, Sehooner Mary Ellew is diseharging into the D. 0, Murray. • Pritieh bnrk Spavrowbawlv liee at the farther emi of the Esplanade, stil! imdergoing repairs, Amerieau bark Camdeir lies at the Esplauade front diseharging lumber. j Sehoorter Pauahi is undergoing alterations aiid overhauling at Robinson % s wharf. Brig Onward lias takdn a berth at the |auie wharf and is being ovt rhauled.