Nuhou, Volume I, Number 22, 9 May 1873 — Untitled [ARTICLE]

il.ll II .1 II» U«UFr-« |TĪI » I !!■■ II n . Qf Tctor and ZaMun lmve >wu going it Mnuvl and bllnd $ anel lliēir l>u >7 vp look§ iike anotlicr Lam Yau caso, lloTEii ARRiTAi.Sj Bii)oo Muy 2d—Capt, Jauio§ 0. Tliom, ship \Ym. r l\}pscot f . Mr. tv»d Mrs. j aud Jame* J W y f T«ylov s Bonleoit, Mr. andMrt» Jolm Robertaon, J. A« l>ou£las, J. 1\ Maeoamara t JainoB l>avid£on, Dr. aud Mre» aud M»v* Duehanan, Cha*s C. Boye«s Mvs. r>oyos and s*l \ uU, New , Zeahmd; L. 1L Johnsion, Loudon; (Jeorge ! llerbert, Andre\v EantonL lHu\edli\i James Blaek- ! loek. New Zealand ; or, and Mrs. Fisher, Mr, !and Mre. !*arratvne % Miss l\n*ntei\ New ĪJames Hnuter,. \ila*:o\v ; John A, Kdiuimdson. i \\ j

i lt W-hen ridiDg ;i &jnkcy, what fruit *l.>[ yo»$iost reserablo ?" A ptar.— Q!d iloe. Ēīir Wehavo eeou souio lovers look into eaeh othei ,, e ejes wilii that eiiblimelj silly char?icteristic of eueh i].rifortuDiitos, 8«jinetiu)e< llka pLe piteous ajppealiug louk uf a (url'jrii « \]f home, througli the rain. We want to know who does tlie job m >ik rf Hawaiian and Atueviean diplomacj in Vr *\Vho wri'tce the di6patches'?. An*l jl* the |inspiration jadieiai f or mercantile? "\Ve wani to know. 64 Where are joil going? ,? said a reeet>t arri\fal to an okl ae«;juai iilanee» he ieeognized on Mcrohant strcet, I am going to llie bdUT | world, I havc heen on |hb waj Ibr manj yeu* ! t£ Weli» good bje, old if you have becn traveliDg towards tlie J j>etter world/ fbr manj jearB, and got no ncarer|than Honolulu, 1*11 ano$ier road. ? \ j , I E2P The Band wiii jalaj at Emina t >- mor]row aflernoon at 5 o ;cIock. FoIlow irig is the prbgramme, to conelude[ with. M k atoun<i the Square: I ■ Ilawailan inelepenāeiiee Marck t t Air-~|Opera Falktaff....................... ....... fo Laucers Q.uadrltl«............. Choriis—Openi Niebe'uDgeii |> 5 ra On tft« OeaniUa! Blue I)annbe—'WiUz t *br rc-ucsr. 'a Sybil)a—i\>lka ,... % \i» a rt

| ! ■ ! It ie about time ihat we should liear of a reply to those euquines of tlie CLnmhcr of Coui« ; meree 3 addressed bj the Chambei t > air Mun-Ui of Foreigii Affaira; bj hiui to the Amerieau Mmister Residentj and by ktter to the Seeretary of State at WasliittgtoriJ We hope Mr. Fish has | not put that doeument l|uto a pigeou hole where jll is iiable to be 0 veriooi^ed. He ought to gratify ourjkudable de«ire for! mforuiatiou» beeau*e he j has |not so mueli to do, \{ith ouly Al;\bama $ottle- | meute, llispano Cuban iuibroglio*, >lexies\u ! boix|er questious, Cauudian ivelprooitj, C!i nnd <h\panesc diplomaej, and other suob. I on his hauds. —_ 1 Wu.i. Pkaui Harbok tempt ttie UuUe%l SU\tes? l We hojH> for rvviprooity or other measurx: tu B©ctt|re a free markot a$ nueli a$ aujl\xlj f but !,< Pea|l Harbor au induevaueut? At least teu mii lion| eubie feet of eoral iuu6t be reiuo\e\l fivm t!;e lmrj and the s!>arp turns of the eluuiuel w\\l sso mueh and rouiidlr.g, 1: vou!vt bc» a|> mueh easter aud dleop\.r to £11 up a pc»rtloU of near IIouolulu,; like IxvHoeV l<-and ki New Vork harbor. The VmU\l Sfates >v 111 iKve:r e£tnhli£h a eostly eoustruotkui yat\l iu mic!i au «nproteeted posttkm AH s<he wauts is a aq\t iii t le tVnfio» ai>d a few aor<s of recf v 1!! ans\vd k that purpose. And theb she oan *vt un a i«g wtional doek for ihh\!s \Vc dv; lunk that lV\rl Tl\rlvr i- u X i '