Nuhou, Volume I, Number 22, 9 May 1873 — AMERICAN DIPLOMACY IN HAWAIA. [ARTICLE]


The Beeretary of Stateat Waf?lihigton has j c:ommiuueate(l with ilie Amcriean Miiii«ter v ! Resident at Honolulu in a letter of i'nßtruetions, and informs liim of tlie favorable disposition of President Grant and his Cabmet j to eiiter of a treaty of reei-' l>rocity with Hawaia on the basis of a ees-; sion of a naval station intimating at the| same time, as a matter of eourse ? that any ■ sueh treaty lias to undergo the ordeal of tlie ! American Benate. Tlie Amei'iean Seeretary reiterates assurances of regard for the mainienanee of Hawaiian independenee in so far as it may he eonsistent with American inlerests( lii other words, Hawaia may enjoy all tlie independence she desires, within ] ihe prescrihed limits of an Amei'iean tutelage; and if that tutelage does not aecord (o us the help that we need, still we must not look for it elsewhere> This is inibrmation anyhow; and it is eomforting in so far as it /s inlbnnatiou. We do not pretend to puhlish this' ihority from the Foreign OfFiee or any otlier dipiomatic source. Jt is hardly neeessary ihat- we sliould attend to tlie formality of seeking diplomatie information iirtliis happyy sociable, gossiping little eountry, at an .ollieial source, as usually we ean piek up all we want to know in tlie street. 111 tliis instance, it is possihle that we were a little in advanee of the Fbreign Oihee ; as we know the dispateh of the Secretary was diseussed in town before it was read to His Exeelleney Foreign AHairs. Tliis eourse does not aeeonl witli tlie diplomatie eti«|uette of other eountries, or thcMu/eessa ry poliey to be pursued in sueh a case, but eonsidering our smallness, the infrequeney of mails, our inlense interest in reeiproeity as the last hope of our 12 per cent. values, and the absolute need of something to gossip about, it was kindness 011 the part of the Ameriean Minister to forestall any oiheial discretion that niigiu be disposed to lbr a time .sueh an important documen{, and to give it 10 an amiahle puhlie, ever waiting fbr some-1 thing to turn up ; and who we trust will | appreciate this illustration of Amenean | diplomaey in Hawaia.