Nuhou, Volume I, Number 22, 9 May 1873 — Confidence [ARTICLE]


Is an admiral)lc disposition of the miud, and usu- ? aliv iiUiicateß a frank aiul £cnerous natarc ; and ! pt- ... O "I it -becomēs ali thc more intcrcsting whon cxl)ibi-' ticd by pergons engagcd in a pursuit like jounnli'wii wliieh is ealeulated to eail forth all t)ie meaner qualities oi' our human nature A ; A\ hen ; one of this profession displays trustfulne£s, after! ali thc and arrow6 of fbvtunc/' and aitcr! being £tretehed on thc editorial raek in tou<rh ! . O j world ihen thc Bpcctaclc is o touching in thc cx-; trcme. We havc Buch a one bcfbro ns ; a cotv j fidmg cditorial brothcr who imparts his uuring a ecrtain political crisis to a gcntlcman w]jo had h\* country without hope oi īe-1 ward ; he, ihe bfbthcr ? dē£ired ako to t>crve the fathcrland io a pomiion whieli shall eall ibrth all his iatent ability ; be appeak to tbh> peeuliar īeion to aid liim in thc patriotie dce?jrc of Htniuling by thc car of lvoyalty ; and assures him ) t n.i t wiien he īake a ?eat at thc Oouneii: table of thc iMlaee, tbe hope;> and a«spirations of' iiv ui\viinuury patriot shall not he lorgotten. iiu ; :i n::emau dtd not apprceiatc thc eoinunuu-- \\\\}\ all tl.e tiiserelion it descr\ed ; b(illj *• r i t we ihe whole a< , x ? ' ? i ■ ī | • '•-> ; » li. ;.■ :i v . llKe eoUmleMee, ]