Nuhou, Volume I, Number 22, 9 May 1873 — Hawaiian Charity [ARTICLE]

Hawaiian Charity

jls beautiful fco.contemplate, in as fre£ as Ila- | waiian fcjospita'lity. Both virtacs eeem to bc csercieed ih the spirit of t'nc widow wbo ga?e her mitc 7 and in eo doing gavc bcr all. What a eon-1 trast this to thc spirit of acquisition and ae-! cumulation clsewherc. Look at tbe boardcd! trca6urc3 of Europc and Anicrica; and jct tbe pcoples of those countrieB pi'ctci3d to sciid to this country |cxamplers of Chri&tian virtucs, as guides and models fbr the instruction of the beathcn Ilawaiian. But let the world contcmplate the! Hawaiian in lm il]ustration. of the great virtue of charity. Ile is poor ; be dwclls in a t)mtcbed hut; hq is diseased, and all bis kin are sick, and perhaps his father or bis mothcr ; or his brothcr or his siBter; or his son or liis daughter ; or his poor dear lover has the lcprosy f and hie eoul is agonizcd to eee them torn away from bomc anel cxiled, m accordancc with a hard dccree whieh mu6t bc carricd out, because the diseasc bcing surrōundcd by Clthj ass6ciations, ea used by want of medical and sanitary appliances, whieh only money ean provide, may epread morc and morc; vet he does not wastc the little money be gcts eelfishly at home and for his own people, but animated by the highest pnneiplcs of Christian i charity as taugbt to him he sends hie moncyto! thc ben.ightcdj hcalthy heathens of the isles of thc sea, so that they ean hcar glad tidings, cvcn if the wail of disease and death is as;onizin2: his O Q own heart and his own land. Wicroneßia rcccived last ycar ecvcn tho\iband two hundred and lbrty-four dollars and mnety-six ccnts, and tbc Mar(;|uesas Islands reccived two tbousand sevcn liundrcd and sixty-Dvc doUars from liawaii; and it is beautiful to contemplatc.l tlns charity, when we think how selfisbly and ; j perhaps advantageously it might have been spent! at home in employing skill and in procuring 1 mcans to light the fell enemics, whieh bcset tbe! Ilawaiian and are rapidly gaining the mastcry j ovcr his racc. But bc spums the ungcnerousi | scntimcnt that charity bcgins at home. !