Nuhou, Volume I, Number 22, 9 May 1873 — Foreign News. [ARTICLE]

Foreign News.

I3y the arrival of thc clipper sliip Ww, Tap~ $cott we have ne\vs from San Franeiseo up to April 22d. t - ] United States, —Thc Moeloe war lu Cali(brnia | is waged in tlie deBultory mannei' of all eavage | \varfare. A fow liKliana hael heen killei.l, V>ut thc body of the Modoc tribe eiill manage to cvadc the United States troops in the " Lava Becl " Caves and Canons of Siski*3 T ou eounty. New Orleans, x\pril 20.—A stcaiuer has ieft for Colfas with U. troops. Thc impression ia gaining ground tbat the presence of Federal troopfi will be requircd in every pari?h of the State to enforee obedienee to the Ivellogg governI nicnt. I New l'oiiie, April 19. —Therc is great ansiety I here relative to the pos6ible results of thc reeent I ncgro massaere at Colfaj:, Looieiana. No aviequatc ! explanation of the aflair ha.s yet been madc, At j present it looks as though Federal iuterpoBiiion ! may be indi?pensablc to prcvenfc a bitter \var beI twcen tho \vhite and hlaek vaees for supremaey, I Berlin, April 19,—Prinec Albreeht, nepliew J of the Empcror, was married to-day to rrincess j Marv of Saxc-Altburg, The eeremonies were of ' n grand eharaeter. This evcning tlie royal eouple wcrc eseorted from,the Whitc Ilall to the nuptial by a torehlight proeession. Kome ? April 20. —The Pope rose 6cvcn this morning and said mas£ in pnvate lle subsequcnM> givcan amUenee to a deputstion brlng Pene^. Teiteran, April 14.— f!u Shah left hifi eapital to-day for Europe. Tlu whole populatu>n rloc kiHl to thc streets to \vitness his and he u ceived the most touehing larewell from 80.000 oi\ ;.his Joyal snbjcet?, j te!egram from Furope announees the eomple- ! tion of the rai!road <Vom t\»| Advianople. r riie latter plaee is \ve: tnorth\N | froui tbe formcr, ab#ut 100 n»iles dist\nt uul in| the dircvtion of P»elgrude. whioh t>o milee! beyond, and therO a comKvtion ean ho nvade with| the gencral Kurojvan system. • J"uC tise ftllit\g of that gap niav iv [niiv mauy yeai> !!uivj,v is ī\ "viblv • l<»w iu A\\h !i!,uiei

r»cT tla<;cnuni!;i.b.'J weaHli of eo, t<, f e.v tī.L vl L;tve vet mad< au iniek mciv: v Il', Continent froia oust to vreēt, aiīu all t!ic!r i>jd'h togct!)er YAil>: iuoi'e t?iarj t!io8c of thc UnUeel alone, Tli|j Ji«tance from CoDeUu.j tii)(jplc to IIavic W thc eanie tltat rroiM Sa?i Frnnci>0'j to Ltnd thc entirc routt runjT through i\ fcrtno aiiU ["jpulous couiitrj.— AĪHf, ~ j | I; appcars that Mr. 'looiaao Puifee>ell, wlio h goiiag to Epgiaud, aixl who \Y£tr=, we bclicvc, Ll )> pro|escjionai mau whu pijeparc«.l tnc San FraL:ci^. contract, hne? ujid(jrtakcn, gratuitouslv, th?j tu6i|: pf ,eniorciiJg tlic pcijialtie& agairiet Mr, V»'cbt.' for jbreach oi contraoi, anu fbr Diaking - as tjo fcbe prospect6 ol cpijtmuiDg thc tcrvicc l»v . ! - ! - llhe failure of Mr, Welj>b ;o fulDil tiic Wna< of h|> con(ract was follo\ved, as we repocte»d some tiiiic sin<te, by tlte modcst mjuest fLom thal tbai: thc penalties for wfeich be \vas liable. und«A' thajterms of hisconlnict, should bc remittcd. Thib, predicted, th» Gofcrnmefit Iiave d»:elincd lu do; and have furtber derermed to proceed agais»ct Mr.j.\V'ebb for ihe payiiujni of these peualiie?:: Mx. Th(sma& Uussell, who prjoceeds to EogIaiid hj tbi* being to reeover Ihem, aud furi:her to make what eS|orls he ean e:xereiso io icestablish a service. Wit|h the desire of ihe Paeiiiu Mail Company—the alleged purchasers o{ thn W\h'\-> steimers--to keep ve;<el>on the Lne, i,m! wilh the growih of the leeling iq \hi> eolony of he gfeat desirablene[>s of it.s mainteiiimc*\ w » are diHpo*ed U> believi[' that Mr. h \* \ Unk before »nd lual he will rvCi \w . cordial lu it oul holli \n C:dl- ! fornia and other parts the State$.—Ih.'' y ! erri €ross, April 10, | " | [And we liope also who i? hj\\ 1 in this city, will reccivc all due eoDsideratloi> the hand8 of IIis Majcstj's govermiient | Ndnor,j ' j. ■;

\&T Emlumnee of woiiieii. A \vc »*ui wbo ean endurc thc soolctj of tLe avcrugc p»ui man of tho preeenfc day, ean cndurc anjt!img. ;gp Ycsfccrdiiy cvening \vas JoveIy fov ou.i XIo|tcI Promenadc eoneeii, and it \vas grutify to obscrve thc p!casore it atlbided thc lar-o e 'iupai[\y%of gucst<> just iUTivcJ \ \ .V 'ms{ ( TL intblligcncc and rcOi}cmant we oWik !r? fc!iC[So trauslcnt vkitors :|ivo us an enluim hi£) opinlon of New and paxticu'«t'y " r AMckIand, ! ■W »*wjw';ws' I ■.«.«v