Nuhou, Volume I, Number 22, 9 May 1873 — TRADE NEWS. [ARTICLE]


THURSDAV, MAY 8, 1873. W1; ihnlbupiness pariaking verv miieh of the natnre of oar weattier, \?hiol» i« languid, and wore u not for the departqre of slupping there would be little oacuxn r attention. The U, S,-S. frigate Ca/?A>ni<a_jiiled yesterday, anel the bark I). C. Murray th\s morumg for San Franc.Lsco, the latter f.aking witii her a large freig]it valued at over $50,000, and a iiumhei* of passengers. Barks Camden and Sparrowhawk and &hsp Wm Tapscott are also ready to sail as early as the winds will allow, SUip Wm. Tap.?c<)t.t here yestewlav wiih fivedays iater news from San Franeisco, Steanier Dakota aud bavk Kale had arrived over 5 Oie former aji ten aud ihe latter in eighteen days passage. Steamer Nebraska arrived this morning from Aucklandj nineteen days passage ? and took the tpwn hy surpruse, as word fiad been received here that she was telegraphcd to proceed to Jai>an. She proeeeds 011 to San Franciseo at 2 i>. m, to-morro\v.