Nuhou, Volume I, Number 22, 9 May 1873 — Why Spain is not well Coverned. [ARTICLE]

Why Spain is not well Coverned.

A FRENCU LEG3£Kr>. '• • Sainfc "Poleī hoīiig jears ago, callcd a grcafc Council of the and badc thein statc tlicīr scveral dcsires. France wantcd \vit anel couragc, Grantēcl, Baid the Saint. Eng!and wantcd pientj of comiueroe,'i«lands riīHi roast beef, Oranted ( Germany wanted plont;y of bookß, Bauerkraut on<i lard. Granted> , wani-eei mnaie anu a Pope-». toe« Granted, Now Spain Bpoke up. " Your '.Ilolaieea," 1 \vant the'finest.elima|e in the world. ?? Granted." 44 The most valiant men." Granted. u The mo3t )>eautiful women/' -Granted, u And JSo a good gove;rnment." At this thc Saint'got angry, Baying, u you are aeking too mueh ; M and he slammed to the gate of Paradi^e.

' • -• Pitilkss SxvAGm,—Thc children of Foster, who was liung for killing Mr. Avery P, Puhiam with a car hook» have been obliged to ioave a public eehool of New York city, 011 aecoimt of the UDrelenting persecution of their BchoolmatesV The representation of a gaUowa with a pendent eorpee, was continuallj ehalkeil up before them on: the bla£kboard, or pencilled :>u a elate and laid be(bre them, We must presume that this was dope during the absence of teachers. Hat.what pitiless little Modocs those New Jork boye must be ī

A- man exhibits to the public gaze a slander on ū ladj, for the oMeet, he says, to expose thc ylanderer, we think ofsuch a man's honestjl, or judgment? To expose a slauderer 5 he publishes the slander. What is the difierence hetween a slandercr and a publisher of a slauder? ( 'an you aee any dififerenee ? We eannoi.