Nuhou, Volume I, Number 22, 9 May 1873 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]

HEW CrOOB T?Er>u<jH:ir> priced : Choice Selection*Blitfti from Pails. 1 ON VIEW T fills DAY I SPLENDID SILKS, REAL LACES, i JOTJVINS & JOSEPHINE'S KID GLOVES I \ • . v'' : • • ! ' {.• = I LADIES UNDERCLOTHING, I ; ■; ■ - I MOURNING DRESSES, Richly Trimmed, I CHILDREN'S DRESSES ftND HATS ! i • ~.v-yv - —: (FRENCH CAMBRICS, ! FRENCH PIQUES, WHITE, I : Af EW CIIOICE FA3is ! A. S. CLEGHORN & CO.'S Fort St. Store. WILL £13 FOUND A Choice Asst. of Gentlemen's Wear! JUST RECEIVED EX IvA. MOT ANT) I>. C\ MTTKR A. YT. UNpfiKSiilliTS. .AND PUAWERS, ALL GRAPES, Neck Ties, Socks and Suspenders, superior to any | o the country, a Hue line of Gentlemen's Clothing, iA Full Assortment of Boots and Shoes! j While Linen Suits, White Ball Vesta, Gloves, j A fine assortment of Ilemraed Handkerchief-., both I white and colored border, A &ne new lot of White Socks, something new, A «plon<lM o t ISTeolv Henri's! | Umbrellas in Silk, Italian, Cloth, Aljjacca and Cotton; | A few large size whfriebone Umbrellas, jUOLB AND PLATED SLEEVE BUTTONS, AMBEB Sleeve .Buttons, Done and Ivory Sleeve Buttou*, A NEW LOT or I'AX.I)I A MATS, SIUAW HATS, Caas. Hats, Shirts of superior* quality, from 13 to 20 inches nock ; Undershirts IVom CO to 44 inches i Boots and Shoes from No. a to 12 *, Trunks, Valises anvl Car|>ct Bags. ' * * a\i> trmx-s rEUPi'M^ Soaps, ft'omwics and Hair Oil*, Everything in tsrushe?, including the tost Shoe I>rusU iu town. Grt?At Bargains iu Sock*. IN FACT EVEKYTHINO USUALLY FOUND IN ALL WELL APPOINTED OoOD? StOKE Call ami Examine. no Troultlo to Shov Goods! W. McINERNY