Nuhou, Volume I, Number 22, 9 May 1873 — DIED. [ARTICLE]


Sissox—?At Hilo, llawaii, April '2'-d, Mary Rkll, inf:uu daughter of &Ir. Joscph Sisscu, aged 4 mouihs and days, (Cr Provtdence, R, 1., Jouma? i>kase coj>y Cl«vkLand—Al Wailuku, Maui, M.i> 4th» F. Cl*.\ ka native of Mas<;,, übout 44 \o.ui* For many yoar-s a rosident of tUcso iukuuU. 33- Nantucket ftnd Bostoii paper.s p!oase coj>y.