Nuhou, Volume I, Number 23, 13 May 1873 — Captain McGregor [ARTICLE]

Captain McGregor

Our fejtliful commaDder of theKi!auto is «iiiekee uown,—actually broken elown with the iceessajiĒ fatigue of keepiog watcl). He held on sick aud weary, as he had been forsome time, until natu.rc —could do no more, aud he dropped at his post. buii would it not be bettcr if a tlioughtful and provident GoTcrnment Jmd iuade a more geneiou> provision for our intcr-island fiteam naTĪgatioii, &nd furni6bed our eteamcr with two cfficicnt oEcers, vrell qualified to relicvc eaeh othcrin the 4uticf> of the watch? Sufh liberality wouM be tu:t economy; and a!tbougl| we arc dcad against all diatinguislicd sinccures, we would saj pay lileraily all faithful men wiio have oharge of life aud prppertj; aud dou"t let Uieni through parsimouy bei broken down with ovcrwork and ineomniu McGregor fainted in hia ealūn, on euterāiBay laet Tuesday, and he \vas brought ou 1 on tbe rcturn of |tlie etcamcr to Ilonolulu in a vcry we&k and tielplcss condition. Ile !iad bcc ti eome time unwell and cxhaustcd for w.uil of rcit, hue woukl not dcs«rt, his post. llc suficrs iu I hif head. AVe hope tlwt he will soon l>e rcstorcd ; by re6t. ! ! Ab we «rc going to prt»s we leam that Captaiu I Mc<iregor bae gone to ,his etcrual rcst. Ile Oied ; laqt night at haif-pttst, twelvc o'eloei. We havc ; not tho opportuuitj for more particulars on lliie oepwion, but we ean saj tlu\t thc i:\ithful eapteĪD leaTes a host of aiourncr>, lvtli uathc aud thr\>ughout Uhf*« islauds.

!m.\v KoAnw Ativ|.— long on tt e [ 18th of h\st March, Oeor£e T;\ylor } sou of ?eccr Tarlor. $npcrintendent ofthe Tulture M)?k\ i:car 3icWillmms Station on :i: Ari«ona f \ra? c:ip!ui\\l T'V a of Apaehe* ;u\! rosistcd alivc over a Anv *w l\>o avn uurcv fbr the uuloi a\ hy iUvg <T hn mau agony ? 1 v I