Nuhou, Volume I, Number 23, 13 May 1873 — Obstructions in the Street. [ARTICLE]

Obstructions in the Street.

We have, noticed in %valking along Bcretauia and bther Btreets eome admirable eo'ntrm-nees for the breaking, or upsetting of a carriage, or for the stumping of the toe of a pedestrian, We observe at the foot of Emma Street; and at tbe corner of Kukui and Nuuanu Streets, little mounds about a yard square, and ten inehea high, whieh surround the 4t man-hole" plates of hjdrants; and are calculated to prove first-rate inan fcrippers and carriage smashers in tlie dark. We beg to commend these obstructions to the careful consideration of our and conscientious Minister of the Interior.