Nuhou, Volume I, Number 24, 16 May 1873 — A Mouthpiece of the People [ARTICLE]

A Mouthpiece of the People

ls necclcd here ; and such a one umst not I>e! boutid by joh or office. Thc Peopie arc fleeccd | hy Po\lrer when therc is no one free and 5 '1■ & i bold ciiough to Bpeak the truth. The People need i an untrammelled spokesman. The tongue and| pen are silenced by intcreet as well as bj office ;! but when thcre is neiUiei' joh nor plaee to padloek! a inan's utterance he is qualified to be the dread ! of venal cliqnes and the fricnd of the People.! There Was a journaliBt who elaimee! to be eueh a! true and disinterested lriend ; but he so!d hie! princi|t]es fbr a printing office pnt into his hande,' nomin|illj for a few dollars a montb ? but actualljf with enough printmg 44 hy authority, M to give him I the office and material fbr ißve yeara 6cot free.! Such a man may eeem to make a show of indepen- j dence, by critieising eertain ofScials ; but he will! uofc touch the clique in power, nor animadvert on ! fche ripg of whieh he forms a part. Thc smug and bland hypocrisy of eertain parties in power, is as patcnfc to observation as the noon day. llow thcy would I ike to purr over you, and eajole you into acquiescence. But when al man is singing a sircn song, see what he makes ! by ifc. A man with five thousand a year 5 and i with comparatively nofching fco do; or a man with ! a govcrnmenfe printing establiehment in his hands| fchat haß virtual]y cost him nothiDg, ean sing you ! blarneying ballads, and try to cozen you Jnto! quietude; bufc thc man who docs not get a do'!lar, I and who aetually takes money out of lns poeket | to indulge in his free utterance< has no blarney j fbr anybody, however big in power, wealtb, or in-! Auenee; but he eiiffers with, and talk* fbr fche peo-! ple; yes, for the sinners' like himself, who are| toiling on plantation and raneh, in store and! workshop, and with hand and *bram everywhere;! and he is qualified to be a mouihpieee of fche peo-! ple. " |