Nuhou, Volume I, Number 24, 16 May 1873 — Charity. [ARTICLE]


| Wecannot praach 011 tliis topic \vitb the ad-' | mirable sermon of Saiut Paul beforo all our eyes.! ,j But wo \vaut to speak agaiu of a deed that epeaks! I louder thau ton thousand sermons. VVe waut to' | epeak of tbe man. Mje Brother, who is tJie &st to! vol«nteor to go \vithout purse or serip, or hope of! reward in this life, to iuiuiBter uuto the poor,! outcast, hopeless lepcrs ou Molokai. This is tlie! j very spirit of Christ; this is the lovo for man! I that passeth ali our understandiug; this is the! ! Xavier that goes do\vn into the depths of human! I misery to wash its filthy sores ; thi« is the hero! | that ieaps into the ya\vniug gulf to save a peoplē;! i this 18 a savior who offerB his life for his lellow-' | man; aud his work is above all others.true clmrity. ! Porhaps Fatlier Dauu'on has a faith and opinj ious. that our philosop!iy may estcem uwiee or | absurd. What mattor does it make, what crotch- | ets hc may have in his lieM? Look at liis heart; jat t!ic \vork it will do.: Would you, who tabe i't j easy in your buggj-, go aud risk s\vcct life \vith our sad brotliers, tlie !iorriblo lej-.ers ? We ;ue' j afiaid that you, and \vould uot. Butlet us| jdo soiucthing; \w wl|o have sound skius, aud j soiuc peaee.aiul comfort in our homes; let ug of' j all creeds or 110 creeds, eend somc llttl« tluug to' jthisbruvc brothc'v. % hin» wlio has takcuthe' ■ duty ol'all ujK>n his Ihukls, aiid lias luken his Uro' |'» hfc hand?. Let «# to Bi»hop Maigivt for' , Ui\>ther Diiuiien's com(ort, in his wocful parish,' I «h'uk littlc thing . a g<ivniciit, or a lUlle wiue, oi'! ( a bvH k or any solace that his, heahh may necd , and poi'hapsa littlo uv«ncy for tk> bkssc[l e.iusj | o! x\m mmi \io\y oliaritv •' I i