Nuhou, Volume I, Number 24, 16 May 1873 — The Grand Passion. [ARTICLE]

The Grand Passion.

I | t : - -0- - : ! 1 I>on't be ahirmed. 'i'iie Shepherd is not goingj to teil his tender esperipnee6; but he de&lrcs to | eaj ( a word about those <|f the Sam& and St-raphi-jßdS(of our.aeaxicruic grojee. It i* faid tha t th<#r ; , ;who study numheiH, e4rth, $ca* and j reeite ",ams and tU iaan, ,? waieh a j p°rpi] fbr a hope of the of cerfain go j eyej?; or fcots adroitly the hall, to j<leate home I bright obecrvant orbfc; or telegraph their thri!J* j with tender tell-taic glu|nces; «.ii* si>w t]je \r f j souie sweet suf!ering at a fiew!ng f?oeīe{y: or eoae'n I eaeh othcrs hearts on |'oueinly ocea*ioiiS; or j iacfcwatch t( eveiy possible ehaneoto meet, to j fco vow, to lkp fche, young heari's sweēt wel,!j * u g B U P unel 6weār a faith; aivl I tlien to see another, andj go thc whole bweet work | again; and so prov|e thc truth of thc woiue tbaft youngster«' k»vc fhcn lie* not truly in iheli hea|rts, but in their cye§." |'his 6tatc of things| is hurtful to htudy aod go<jid diseipline; yet we| eannot feel a cuntem]:.[ I foi*| a boy that find&a gi,rl , s love a of j sc3jooLboy poets mā Shepj lierds have been inspired by it; but we wou!d*ay j thafc so long as short d|*esseB anu vulgj»r fraetioi>*" j a neeesbary epnditio|n of our verdant bumariity. | that the sweet aympatlietie >pavk!e of young eyes jshould be eo veiled to eaeh other or so oecupied ? j that nature >hould not | have hx» mueh ehanee t .» j pliy havoc witli the drill, to prepare for j the bafcfclc of life; we ogree with a disthv- | guished editor, who §ays in his manly syn\pat!u , j ean they li-pm lovin^? ,t Aiid it isnoi j fcO|bc wondered at that lf t!.crc j is |wifchin academie gto| e«s and the liomes of stu« j depts, s\|eh a lively of the grand I sion. j.