Nuhou, Volume I, Number 24, 16 May 1873 — Nothing new on Reciprocity. [ARTICLE]

Nothing new on Reciprocity.

! Or cn\y othei top!e in Uie GoTernuient Prc». j Oj-gan of 'All Saint«, morc than what lias bcc ri j aijnouiieed in the Niii.a', Xo additiorial ]cM'tiej ulprB iu relation to ihd{ despatch. WekneM thu j wj; had giveu t!;c substanec of that lettcr of 'inI !\o*v we bc io > injcet the " Wasbing(ob Admii>isti.>Uon" in j niaf ter ful!y half if we ean only ?<e i o( t!ie īuoncy »ece*=ary work the 1 "bby tc m.ike i {l i° a sueee&s, |u all our diseu"ion of Se- | °V'oeity, thcre nevcr W becn any trouble at'the j Vf'hite Houee or Stātej Departmeut; but tl;v real j labov is in tlie llalls <if Congress witli Ihe Eepies(|ntatives of " Pike " ;and Pcuobkvt. I I Thc negotiations \\frc not " broken off by tue Americau Governmei}t;" but simply fuiled by a c|osc vote to pass thc Senate, and we I>a\c not _nbw any " rcply favotahlc to u.s;- or auy ot!ier 'rtp!y at all, to anything scnt fi'.-iu this l'owmment; but simp!y an instruetion to t!ic Ameiiean Ministcr Resident to guidc hīiu in his aetū n'; in j c\sc a dcfinitc prepoMtion is I;ui l'efore hiui by jtliis Govcrnnient the eou<idcration oī" the Amenean Exccutivc jand Senatc. Our Mi»isters j are at work on thc subjeet; and woeii t!;ere oouies a rep!y to that !ettcr k' eiHpiiry, addicsso.l to our Miiiistcr of Forcign A{T.urs, by to thc Ai «eri?»n Min;ster Resident, and -<y hini t » the Seeu ■ j tarv of Shitc at Wasljuiigton t t!icy may !u'.\cseu e ideas to 14x111; but what they w.uit themos: is t!>.c i«oncy to work t!>c lobby at Was:ii £^;o :i Sa.v. don*t eome of yki roon C yed fe:!o\\s w:u;i ¥übwribe one thousAnd dolhm eae!; to Cci;;aai IKv>k or Gener.\l Grat» to !ictp us?

| Sf" Wlm it. u "JaitjUfuluitu~Ur (!n> >•