Nuhou, Volume I, Number 24, 16 May 1873 — "A Grand Specimen." [ARTICLE]

"A Grand Specimen."

Tiio Aīia of thc 25tli o(* April thus do6igimtes a po.or clcrgyman who riskc<J Lis lifc in a ewall boac to savc a' numfaer of thc jiaggcngers of tlie Aflantic, and farthci*morc says—" lt matters «ot to what cburch hc belo)iged, he haf? addcd & new glory to the rcligion lie professes bv his great and Ohristian like action. vSuch abnegation of sclf in the cause of suffering humanity honors thc race to whieh \vc bclong. A niovement is 011 foot at the East for a recognition of the eervices of thits-noblc epeeimen of humanity. M Now r tbis was great and nob!e in a quiet 6.horeman to thus risk life. when hard3 ? anc * experienced sailors were abandoning fcheir duty; but we have a grander spccimen hcro. Many a brave heart could be prompted by thc outcry of his fellows to risk a 6liort efcmggle and battle wifch danger and dcath. Bufc who ia going ca!mly to sit down and sup wifch horror day after day, and night altcr night, and pray by fche dying eoueh of the dying, rottcn lepcr? Who is going to lie down in fche midstof incurablc woe with fcffe risk of his own body being desoiated forever with a hideous malady while ministering to othcrs'? Who, we say will do thiß, when all other pastors stand aloof? Who bufc one of fche forcmost heroes of humanifcy? īf a movcmenfc ih on foofc afc the Eaet for the brave Aneiont, therc oughfc 6iirely fco bc a movement in thc Weßfc for the heroic Di\micn.