Nuhou, Volume I, Number 24, 16 May 1873 — An Informer [ARTICLE]

An Informer

Or telltaleis cletcsted by all mankinel in the proportiou that frecdom and manliness of charactcr appreciated. The informer is the tool of tyranny and more hatcd than the tyrant; and if fche part of a oecomes a duty, as in war, the one who engages in it takes his life in his-liands. Therc is no eafety or worth in one who blahs and tells, Let a government ite deteetivcs piikl to do dirty work, and a-'eehool have its monitors to assist in its dieipline ; but let not eaeh citizen or eaeh studcnt be a whisperer agamst his ncighbor, There is of course a limit to this; and detcetable vice or erime must be denounccd at onee with au outcry, But that a boy ; and this article was meant for boys, should have to tell of cvery de« parturc from tbe diseiplinc of eehool, and of cvery act of boyish rowdyism, wouki be a good training for the growth of a first class sncakand tool to do Bomebody's dirty work. We don*t care what the ! Kcvereud llollaiul says t or any otlier Hollander or ])utehman on this subjeet. Make a boy nshamed of vice and lies ; but don't do violcncc ! to bis naturaf courage, the very foundation of vlrtue, by requiring him to tell on eomrades t!:e pranks ōf boys and so heeome a aud au i inf'ormer. , |