Nuhou, Volume I, Number 24, 16 May 1873 — The Pen. [ARTICLE]

The Pen.

Wlien our Shcphcrcl lnad down t!ic orook atul! took up the pen, he fondly Bupposed that he haei ■ exchangc!d a hcavj baton of ofOee (br a lightov; one $ ane thcrein he proveti hinieelf a verdant | shephcrd. When he guided his (brnier floek \vith | tlie erook ? he Imd tleeees for-his paine f and he had | ample leisure to roani in the hills and refreis!h hia' ppirit \vith the sweet air in the leafy shades ; hut = now tlmt he t>eek6 to guide one \vitl» tho>pcn, he ! iias his lahors for his |kuus, and he eits all day • likea ehaincd slave to an ever]asting oar« But he will not eomplain if he that he ' doing weil hy u;iving uiiemuee to a freer expres-; aiul inbatt.iinp.with pret<?ntion,prejudiee,in-: eomp£UuK\\ hypoerĪH\% vtint aud in htgh ; plaeee t