Nuhou, Volume I, Number 24, 16 May 1873 — Letter of His Majesty to the Lepers. [ARTICLE]

Letter of His Majesty to the Lepers.

1. Ii'OKOU-LU. Api'il 20 r 1873, j Xo My at Kalaupapa : Ey t])c hanae of iwo memhers uf thc Board of 1 j licalth» I send you thcse words. You ali know | j that om accouiit of tlie prevalence'ōf thie di>:ea£c! j of leprosy in the nation, a diyißion of !aud has| j bec-n t arfc fur the isolation of thoBc affected. ■ Thit n»L »Mir(j ifj for the good of the nation. and | j bein 0 a l iw, ifc must be exeeuted. But it is in-; ] deed sad thing to be thus scparated from friends 1 j and loved ones; how else however are thc lā\vs tō j bc«xecuted? | • 1 ean only say lo you that you shall reecive all i the benetits thafc the Government ean poB&iblv beetow,,andl tru*t that, in, consultation with iuj advis€!is, everjthing will bc donc for }Ou, eonj eistent with a rogard fbr thc good of thc whole j peopip. Ma.y the Alniighty Fathcr waieli ovcr, j proteet and ble6s vou, w tlic praycr of liim >vhom j the nat-ion has eboscn as its earthly head. j God preserve Ilawaii nei. j Love to you all. ♦ Lunalilo, j We hope His Majesty will renicml»er the £Qod j Priesc who has gone voiuntarily to minister unto Hia Majesty ; s aftiieted people on Molokai. If this is not a u faithful minister of the Gospel," we don't think he is to be found in thcse islande.