Nuhou, Volume I, Number 24, 16 May 1873 — The Mosaic Cabinet. [ARTICLE]

The Mosaic Cabinet.

tVc eall it Moeaie; not ljrc,iu(-c it !iac a or a lea<ler in it, wLic'i:J>v tbe wav, it necdt vciy mucb; but beeau?e it i|s party c *lorcd 5 a ]»atehwork. maele up Ijy tl;c Chanccllor t<> m<.ct hir tiltcrior ?ie\VH, Well, Mooaie Cabincl k i'i loggcrlicads i'or \vaul >f a !iead. 'Ilicy eaiu.- - 4 agJ*co on reciprocity, o* ou any utbcr im]X)rt;Vi * moasāvc for thc piihlie goo<l. Ap we have oftleutiuK'« beforc, they cann*»t dcviFe a po!ioy, and stand by it. anrj defend it, heoauee tliO net is madc up o! hctcr4gencov*g aud incxperi€nc<.Mf elcinente, aiul is what \\e eall a Mosaic Ca^īn»;t,