Nuhou, Volume I, Number 24, 16 May 1873 — Foreign News [ARTICLE]

Foreign News

' ■ \By tbe arrival of jlie ciipper sbip ūhm £ we bave Friiicigco dates to the 2 ; > » 1 j * ! \ixiTEi) Statks. —Thc Modoc cstcmi«atiun pVogrcseiwg. , . . New;York, April 20~~ A Wa» bitl£ton epeeiai to the s ayt> thcie K"aii> t<j be less conlidcnec tban imial at thc War V - psirtmenfc to-daj that tjhe mnitary will l»c al!c i-> e2fterminat€ Capt Jaek and hi* bai)d of ModOe* 't|ie teiegmn»s from Scho{ichl and Gill.:in ate regarded as \mthvt>rabie and an indkMtion that the troop* ave not mastersof t!ic $it'uatijon, or that they havc not surr:mnded thc Itidtatis so that they eanncit get awaj. j Thc rceignation of ;Mini>tev Pe Ljv>£ u-»ī bcen aeceptcd as yct, nnd no act!on wIII V tv\ko: uniii aßer t]>e return of the lVeMdent two week? hpnee. j j C<RRAT }>KITA\N--U^K^ I Apvil 24,—The tW'* of the Tiehbor»e eiaim;\nt on the of \ e^» y * is ia progress, The eourt room was eivw\!od «J>eetatOK{, and many titled and dtstiu&uished pcr?ons were pre6ent, I A meeiin- of I>emoerats to Uio refusal of the Rritp?h Govermueiit to ixw-tiu qie £pam*h Kepuhlie k to bc he!d at JSjjuare 011 ihe sth ol Mvij, Ihe Earl of Pela\yaiv comuiittcd aikLle hv Jw\viiiui; in the Catn ou aeeout ef ttie Jcalli »j>f * kd>* lie loved. j Fiauce \\iU be ivvUij wilh t!te la>t H.uie \ i&iiiu-! by the Geviua\i ou i|!ie oth of Svj UiuKn » ti.K\i she lia? a juMk\\ i Gliuaanv—Apul 25.■ —The l pjx x t Ilousc of the Piussuu Pie? ?o-vlay the ViU for the eoutiVi of thc elergy Sr, r> R<Aprd 2* — TU loi» peivr Willi uu <>t i4riunny I>> *

'imlilnni-i'p.lhine. avrkfd jiorc to-day on a vi:Mf to thv'Czn\ Spain is io great (|isoidcr. Madrid, April 24, ib fall of thc conflict o f part ics. Scrrauo attempted a. coup-<Tctat wiih a iuilitury R>rce, and wae defeated, Thc rcvolutipmu'y Redß arc pōsted al all thc Htreet cornerd aiid hold posse«6ion of the citj. it.slv —Kome, ApviL—Hi.s Xloiinesß ' has buTieved a relapse, and again is vcry il-1. The worftt reßultß are now ieared. Mueh anxietj- ha» heen twakencd in the Vatic?an in consequcnec of thc Uangerons condition of the llolj "Fathei*. Pope .: P;inx IX is now 81 jears,jind hm oeeupieU ihe Yatiean nearly 26 ycars. A'ustbia —Viknn-a , April 2ō.— f rwenty eaeea of Kporadie cholera wcve broughfc ro the ho?pital 3 r estetday, fivc of whieli provcd fatal. Eiiorts ure being made to ooneeal the cstent and appeavanee •>r the diee.Rj?e. East Indiks.—Move about Aehin. The llague, liolland, April 24. The Minister ol' the Colonies has thc Pvess a detailcd statcment of the w;\v in Sumatra, from whieh itappeavs that Aehin asked for aid from France and Italy before wav was deelarcd, but notes were reccived by llolland | irom these Powers whieh eontained the moßt| 4riendly assurances, and showed ttvat the rotviguefJ: of the Achinese wboHy- lailcd. I We are now gatißlied that Holland is eheeked? I ibr the firat time, by a native Power in Malayßia,; Tho Oovernmenl of Netherlan v ds India haaalwoys| found thcir intercouree with Surautra more ex-j penmve than remunerative; but national obsti-1 naey;- or rather the fear oi' Euglish,or worscstill, ■ American settlcments,on this island, has induced to keep up a cost!y naval and military establishment for no pvotit. We now avc aaßured tha6 the Achinese ave iine<l by the States of Siak, hidraghivi, >and perKaps Jambee; and that thcy nre determincd to drive the Dutcli away from the oviginal seat of the Malay race, and of Malay supremacy. Thc Aehineee arc distinguished by the tallncss «>f their persons; and aro somewhat darker thau other Malays, owing to a large intermixture with the natives of continental India.