Nuhou, Volume I, Number 24, 16 May 1873 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

NOTICE. g>fIOXOCRA»*HV TAI GHT EITHER IX ■ private or in classes, by (J. UiMen, for particulars enquire mvt> swtl w At T. G. THHL M'S BOOKSTOIUi. TO LET. A gOFSK OX MEKCHAXT STRKET suitable for a small, family, Apply to tuyO 3t F. It. lIATtKT^. TIME-TABLE OF THE STEAMER " KILAUEA \awiliwili iVIn) 261h €ivc«i! af Hawaii June Sjil,, I une Olh . - - • Koita huh 1 1 Si!» Circuit of Kjmni Ircnlf of Hawaii j tine 30th Kotin The Steamer win not take a trip to windward the thiid'work in May, havmp to repair mooltiuery, §U' No Credit far Passage Money. Tickets? at the Office •n!v. Not for *ny fiev't or package?, u«fe?s re* 1,. • * \li H «i \V»U>I-;K.