Nuhou, Volume I, Number 24, 16 May 1873 — Untitled [ARTICLE]

EP' Captain Babcock took clmrge of the Kij lauea fov this trlp to wiiKl\vartl, After her reJ turn she will be laid np for repali*?. The funeral of Captain-McGregor took plaee on last Thursday afternoon, The eei*Yices over his remains took plaee at St. Andrew"s Tempoi'ary Cathedral. llonor to tlie memory of the faithfui Captain who died at his poet. u Be on the Bide of Chnst, and try to suffer wlth Christ." We listened lately to these words, and what do they mean ? To take it easy m a pulpit and a buggy and talk of duty ; or to go daily into ts among the ignorant and the vile and to try and lead them to a better life?

"ĒP' How ean a man moffieekeepseeret6 f when he Is obliged t<s> go to Tom, Dick and Harrj, to read and write his despatches? A Minister or Diplomafc fullj equal to the oecasion ean keep a closemouth f and only let his diplomaej be known j achieved results. j §gp A lady eaid to an indefatigable flatterer ; I" ¥ou cannot eall me an angel as jou have ealled otlierB, on account of mj crooked nose.'" 44 Yes,' he said, " when you fell from lleaven you lit upon the most prominent part of your features. ,? Samoa Islanbs. —Aeeording to latest aeeounle fpthe intertribal war still eontinues. Tn a late engagement, 40 of one party were killed and decapitated. The Weslejan 3lission evidentiv

has Dot # done mueh to eubdue tbe savagorj mul feAcifcy of the Samoanss. ! broßADic Oholeka lx 1i ienka will bc terrible news for thoee mtereētej iu tlic graod luiemationai Exposition. The plague wheu ēpomāie k probab!y more alarniing thau >vhea epUemie; beeause in the former eaee it leap from plaee to pluee, aud.Btrike« itB vietiiu iu thomidbt of Ihe liealthy f whereas In the latter ease it §imply eoutinue« to estend it® ravag<b from a eertaiu t?tarliug poitit. Our leproay ik dr«mdl\il but uot uear so temlyiug to everj iu the couutry. We have eeen the dead carU go iu eou tiuued proees|iion with their loada of dead liiieu. We hope that the great Tieima Espodtion wiU uot he iutorn.ipted bv ihh tmiMe

. J | . ; ; -p I . TIiC Baiid wiil plaj at Eioma Squaie tu|morrow aftemoon at 5 o|clock. is tbe ;progmtnme, to Conelude v?ith a March arouud | the |3quare: j i ,i ....... »,«.«»»»»»».btr2uss Pilgrirn Chorus—Opera Taniilfau.ser.*.*..*.*.Wasner Aifj|a v oUe.... |. Kirg Louis XIII Alua;Puluohe Olioli—Concert Hlka. ...Berger Aust)pian Funeral March, (by r^<juest),... „ Laube Blue lßeard Qua<lrille. Offeiibacb ! : —4— ; fjj§T Who isgomg to be dry nuree to the Cabi when tlie Chaueellpr is gone? We objeet to a|iy of our judgeB beiijg oeeupieīl \vith this Lib and;tueker political We want a smatt businesB man whp is a power among the eoeoanuts to keep the 51inisterial 6uckling6 in i their cribB, and to ruii this one horse emnne ' : O T 1 — What a tragedy jand eomeuy around m; thc Jiorror« of the leper |gettlement, the ainusing flirtationB of the academics, —the Btruggling witii j the jdead load of interesjt; and the canting blandishmenfcs o|f those who help io pj.le on ihe load. The hotel and the hospital; and the altar and the grave all oceupied and enibufc the hospitaljand the grave are rathjer the best business, j We heard oi' a woman who jumped oS' tliq wha|rf the other daj, to jswim after her husband # whom they were carrjmg awaj to the leper limbo on jMoiokai, What wojuld jou da # iutel!igent, sensjtive fbreigner t if thej were earrying oā'jou|r ,deatj hußband, \vife. or c|auglitcr?—We would— we woukl oh, -\vc darc not $ay \vlu\t wewoiili *>• | :