Nuhou, Volume I, Number 25, 20 May 1873 — Ladies on Horseback [ARTICLE]

Ladies on Horseback

Alway£ look well, they havo am*£raee at aIL Thej look better t aeea)rdlng to nn\ny inaeeulme opinions, and ours the miniber, 111 ihe sav3dlc, than in the waltz, or iu t!ie ehair. Bufc in what kind of n Mddk ? That is the question we wanted to raia and dbeu^ t The $afest feaddle for a lady un the one with two But \\huh ib the mo£t graet?ful? For that thc j>aint of most eonecqueneē ln the opinlon of Uiūioe theuiWho, A %ure that k iiuproved hy the eonei\\lment of draperj, w ill need tlie long ridin£ !hvhit; and the to it; hut \ that eaimot be iiiiprovt\i, or hy any other additlon, how nnd graooful It in the eoMume, ereet ow a hovpe. a pak o! hright eyes looking Btraight hetwēe|n hia ears» aud t\K* protty well eet aloomdejeaeh Ilaiik a rider

ean dash up hill, or d|»\vn hill, ean eharge ovci the plain, or ean makc|a l'.»ng day'.* j'jurncy aitd &ufi 1 I>ut doctore will objeet, apd pcrbaj * tli« j ougiit in ljehalf of ai: invalid, but noi behalf of a girl delight is: in ueliou. jßy her coiu.rol of the woinan piu>: h(jrfcelf the equal of Tiiey feddu:u !ct hcr rijlc alone in olden timp, t!»cy put her on a pllliou, and the fabler« Grecce \vould ciut hasc any female Centaurs, lj;ut 110w they exibt, or ut ar*y rate, women who f=tick to a horse as wc:l The horse v s back is called the true of empiie, and the maBtery of the horse haf been associatqd with empii'e, then ltt women get well into seat, and not half-wiiy s Let them love the horse. llow he will yield to tbeir gentle hands; and Jiow, we knuw, he \yiil le(i a girl eapture hir4 when men chate hiui \n Let a young lac|y cultivate the Cunfidencc o£j this noble animaL lle will bow liis neek that isj" clothed with thunser " to permit hcr to hin-I hip giorious hcad. lie will calmly allow her t » a<|juBt her scat, and it wiil not injurc her nervouc Bystem to do so onee id awhile hersclf. And thon when all is rcady, and she has vaultcd into her with both feet well braced, as tfhc galloptthe wind, with iper curly banner streaming in|the air, she looks best, and more'.gractful ai?d more nqble than in any other posc, or nient.