Nuhou, Volume I, Number 26, 23 May 1873 — CITY NEWS. [ARTICLE]


The Band will nj)t plaj in Emma Sqnar> i to-xporrow, in consequetice of being cngag»,'l at the lresidence of Mr. DaVies. 1 L' : ■ ; Full eets of the 26 numbers s eon be obtained at Thrum'B )buoketore for two do!lars. There are several little dues for aii<l | adverfeisements, whieh please paj to Mr. f fhruni. IāPI The (riends of the Nuiiou desiring to si\bseribe for the new quarter, or second voluuie of the paper, whieh will eommenee earlj in June # will please to hand in tli|eir namee to Mr. T. (». Thruio. Two do!iars per quarter. ! ■ ' - ' -4We are rec|uested to stntc that 10-moi'u Vi, the'birth-daj of tbe Queen of Oreat Britam, ller Aeting Commissioner and Mrs, Davles wilH}ave mneh pleasure in reeeiving, from two ant4l seven o'eloek, ihe visits of all friends of their own and other nationalities» wlio mav desire .i - * to j6in them in celebrating the dav. Weare happj tb annonnee Oiat our inj disjiensable Kilanea is all readj to resun;o l;er jtripje t thanks to thc prorapt arrangements of tuo I Agent, Mr. Wilder, and the prompt and weli c;s~ ecubd work of our ship-builderj Mr, G. Ēmme* The steamer proeeeds on her Kauai trip a: 4 pj m. — We regret that tihere has heen some cause for eomplaint on aeeoune cf tbe irjggular dcliverj of the Nuhou, When we eoiiimeiiee the new quarter, we hope to have efitcted an arrangemcnt t tbat will eimble us to gife more generi\l satis{action in respeet to tlie earlj and certain deliverj of thepaper. —[ — hp w e are glad to bj? mformed bj tbe of AI! Saints that somoof its eonsiituencj hau beeji looking out for tjhe politieal in6truetiod of the lepers on Molokai bj them gratuit* oustj the KuAoii, Father Damien ean attend to tbe |minor detai's of eoneolaiion # wluuL the plilieal genius of the Editor of tbe Native Organ of % All Saints give them eorreet view> on politreal The leper vote is wort!i lookmg after. --—j~ df* His Eicellei\ej the Chaneelior iutervlcwesl the |\litor vf the Org-au 4 AU &uuts last S,itui:daj, and gi\\e tlio eJitor home good i\\\sv>n6 wbj he shoulvl uot eritielse the rather of the Ring of whlah Cirele of he t!:c c\iitor is the Clx'h}£ Kxponent, and tin?reforc said editor shut up oa the Judieial Abseukv Question la*t Wedae« dav He was rumpan! |qu it a few daj? befort\ rearing up on hls hind legs, ard swcaiiu£ thal: the eountrj would not |siaud it. Ves, he did, W!mt ean !u>vo nllenAt«\i hi< inhi l