Nuhou, Volume II, Number 1, 15 July 1873 — Death of Dr. Judd. [ARTICLE]

Death of Dr. Judd.

! A great nian in Hnwail has gone to 2iis iest. At the ripe age of seTeiitj he passcs away wuhOnt a pnng. He filicd, and ablj too, a krge |mge in Ilawaiian ]iistorj. Our first readiog6 ?ibo«t t!ie?e manj, manj jears ago, vjrhen we ne?er dreamed eoimng here v weie assGmated with liie name. when in tlie squibs of! the day he was epoken of ag <( King Ju&d/V'. .He wae a man of energj» and a great worker m hia iiajB of strength. t)uring fortj-£ve jears 01 re§idenee he has hie mai"k upou this towu. Its beautif«l Nuuāmi ayenue must be cver Uentified with his name. Ile was not oulj a rouJ maken, but an organi£er; and bj various euterpriees hc eought to build up Hawaii nei, aqd it tjhere were faulta In hls pohcj thej now aleep iu liis grave ; and he w!fo saw and took a large pat; <juring four reigus wjtt he loug and happilj reijiembered bj the llawaii;\n people* | \\ e onlj knew the doce;\«.\l verj blightlj, aud tpeak fullj others wlil ;u\d ot\glu. heu wo a\me thia verj iuouth 9 twel\e >*oars aud ou Uw &uulver*arj of lus da\tlu 6poko iu thc Street Chureh about the Malnja and their woudrous isies, aud we;v ihankbj tlit? theu Ministf?r of Foreign AtTairs and ilie ex-Mimst<r Judd secoudod the eoiupliweul» Up au inviu\tion to eaj mor\\ was oue eau;< v»ltj wo pi\)louged our fctaj YTc still U\x\ but maj ii be our good luip wheu eaUed„ to awaj it\ like thi* «wit i[outmoaet fll n\.rr, I r !