Nuhou, Volume II, Number 2, 18 July 1873 — Bought. [ARTICLE]


A(»ordiDg to various rumors we have heen bought aud sold on both eides. The hlghest bribe that we have received is two do!lars ā>r one j quarter ot the Nuhou; and jou muet bear in mind that this amount otily helpe to paj the printer, and does not hj anj means huj up tbe !editor, He won't $top or modifj liis critieisms op account of anjhodj*s Buhseription as he dd&s not run thls for llowever he k thanlsful to friends fbr theiv suppovt; and hewill need all the new ones he ean get; as &evetal of the old onee, won't take his paper; heeauee 7?i£ir sees onlj one feide of the «iuestion 4 and | j don*t want to £ee anj j All wo aak of Ojir frieuds, i« to let ue have j eaough to paj the priutej6. We ask nothiug fbr ' j our labor, our iime, and the t>acrifiee of eouie j j <juiet &ud eontentment whieh we mlght eiyoj, j