Nuhou, Volume II, Number 2, 18 July 1873 — The Band. [ARTICLE]

The Band.

I "- , j At» \\o doiod ,oti oar virtuaus eoueh j the .6oath\\eftt coruor oj* Uie Hutel ou la*t Wed j aeedaj, murmag, wo w eke sweetlj arousedfy the ieu!iY«iuag y iating f tooes of the •• Govj Mareh/* It gO|>thed our angtj poUlieal that wake >\itli the dewj moiu, aud we jfolt imeMhl :\Tid fuU of good wiu to all man« aad

esj>ecla]ly to the band boje. We veri!j believt if had owned a pupe full of eoine, and tlie u ji;eadj " hād been tu our htind f ilat Band wae patbitjg mider our wiiidow, our graliCed jsqul would have u§ to ha\e ehowered j the dinies upon their de?oted heads. jWe w£re in the iuidet of a savage politie4l artiele, in the 44 Potts |and Slurk " vein when that Band returned to the| BarraekB, plajing " Lov« Among the Boses. M We laid down our pen, we lepned baek in our ehaii\ we glmt our ejes, and dreamed of the happy dajs when iife and love Wpre new. And as the laee strain diedaway.and followed by the hoi*rid» di«aj iittling kettlc dnim, we took up our pen in order 10 scorc out soine estra Yenomc us editorial Xow if in'uaie, eueh m Bergir and h!s produee, ean have Bueh power over a savage editjrial breast, what, benefieet;;t and ameliorating iufluehees might lt not produee afc the time upon tender, trutnful traders t and iniioeent Ministers j of the Gospel of Pearl|Harbor Kec*proeitj. XTnder | its inSuenees the fonper mighe abate fiomew'hat their eoinpoimd 12 per eent. chargeB; aid the latter might sep somethingbesidefi even if we don % t" sell Pearl llarbor. So lei us hblp the Band, let ub the Band. And aa we have alwaje been a Triend of the Band, aud propoeed Promenade Concerts and heaw in ehe Square, we now propose semi-woek!j ono 011 the 4 4 Beaeh," and the other in the Govyard—' | *« Bhen m my pMuted her, i ! lo?eiy, ihe'a diriae I I | teth#Tr^ty. j ! But tbose deueed sore headed t soured t anti-eea-jspniBtB won't let us what ls so well saii©d | I M

|i A Man Trap—an open* unproteeted well in the Iplam near town. Qur| tawu-people walk hj the#e; (&£d ii eomeb*% breaks his neek after d:\rk» who I be to btame ?We need a munieipal govera|ment. MiniBters make treatie£ to oede the eountrj an|i be looking after holea in the highwaj at tl»e $u|me Uuie. ! . i I ! 1 j | ar »> oaw 60 glaji to learn ihat the deveU\l i l)amien reeeived help iu his nohle work» froui aome £en<srvus eouk of all ereeds« Thcy gave hiui a good purse t and a Kn of <iothee and odds and ,ends to help him couiTort hU But no,uothopeless.' jbrave and «*oui wlll waken up hope* j&mid the and de;?pAir t *nd o»f |Uieir 6ituaūoiu Bui he will i\eed more tolp. j |Vhat he reeeived* a kind aud a £cnerva# I but aull oul; & drop iu i!>e ln;ck^ t ooui--1 u&kn! wUh what tiU esght or nuu> , ¥»hio" ri \vUI