Nuhou, Volume II, Number 3, 22 July 1873 — A Thorn Will Not Produce Grapes; [ARTICLE]

A Thorn Will Not Produce Grapes;

J\or a; clirfcy fouutaln elcav water. Nor ean a bad ? intcrc6ted motiv<' produce a right aetion. A\ hy dp ineu now <:ry out lbr aunesation or a cession? Is It for the sake of a guod cause, or for their need that they ery out ? Let us see. Some time iu Jauuai;y last } certain busiuess meu here reeeived letters from a large flrm in San Francisco, who ?2Doke £omewhat in this vrise: We have been assured, in time-? past, thafc upon thc death of your late klng annezation woukl bc surc to lollow. v (Whafc a falsc prctcncc in order t'o gct crcdit to make such an assurance.) u And upon this represcntation we'have cxtended to you faciliticB and credite whieh are now enlircly unwarrantcd in view of thc rcceiit tum of aflairs in your iifland.<. We havc only to say that with anuexatioD your eredifc is etili good, but without it we must ix&peetfully dedine to fill future orders. ?? Ihe liabilitiee of our merehauts were iieavy, auel something musfc be doiie. One of the num-* ber packs liis carpet-bag and goes to Frisco in order to try a littlc personal oajolery, as annesation v?as nofc quite ready to be put upon the boards; aud some of those who were hard up, who had to stay at home, tramped the streets of Ilonoiulu with a petition for rcciprocity, the same one published by the organ of ' All Saints, and claimed by the organist as " sought for and publMied at our [his"] own solicitation. v This petition, ostensibly in the interests of meehanics, field labovers, luna?, eoopers, blacksmita3, engineers, sugar boilers, managers," &c., was simply aud only fl>r the benefit of a few debt distracted, ,involved, diseontentcd Adullamites, to help them bolster up their waning eredit. Annexation being regarded as impossible on aeeount of native opposition, Its twin brother cession of Pearl llarbor is' now soughfc for as a " guarantce for thc stability and iudependence of this Kingdom/' So ehauntcth the friend of a generation ; " so tuncth forth the organ cf *All Saints;,and so erieth out all the Adullamitcs. Bufc ean we cxpcct to gather grapt\> fvom a thorn, or a truthful cxpression from the lips of ueedy aud interestcd men?' Xo ; the relief that is mest wanted is for thcm, and not for t!ic country.