Nuhou, Volume II, Number 3, 22 July 1873 — Loyalty [ARTICLE]


ī* «. ;ui tit«u has '«een niue!j abti6ed» and inisap- . >ev ,aiv( nabl!y under?<tood in thtß litile kiug■i;. ln nn\ iy inen*s minds ifc seeuis tojnean ae-(.visCfc-eenee ifi a royal authority. so long as there k n s »t a suitab!e •»pporiunity to <übvert il The !iGb: inany wh».» s(and n».'ar llis throne, who s -K-k !)iin \vith a <liow o ; w!ioare, • uger to persuad<' llim r i eoiirpi\mn£e |Y?V īloiioi*! ••' v s soverefgn ehi-ei, ajid to barter a\vay i!ie rights wioeh asn eho*fen King tih Majesty Vepresents. 1 'Vhat will thoug[)Uui mcu of nftcr iimcs thiuk | tho*e of t!iis day. w!io !mving opportunitv and ! flucneeha\* ouh nunle UPCoftheir } osition t > ■ ~on:ote t!ie enhaneeinent of ecrtain vahu\< in ' w!iich they are interested ? They csteeui t!ie a}-' of eh-taiti mterc«?ts as panuuouiii tō ' b 'or Joya!ty M a Pnnee, whom they have sworn ' • Mistain. An<J yct loya!ty wouKl be the besl • 'licy, lt wou!d give Irnpi\>ved respeetubnity : »ditand el:tuaeter abro.uK Men fait!iful to n ' t 1 cK a . and \vl!l be a]sva\Y » *

' rrspcrtp.'l. ' Men cver roady t>» īuoele ;nui belittlc 1 j thc authority in wliieli they a«yjuiefcxe \vill l»e <lz~ ; spi.sed. \\ e iiioek offieials' but noi Ihe King or ! thc peo[)le. Fair aiul bold oi*iticism is rv.p.ei.sient j j h truc lo^'ali^. e uuvy eonviemn nianj men j jand meaf?urei?, bur we aie lujal. tv» the jn»llti«.-al ] , ordcr <\^ta' »lisKd tH % re % the will of the \