Nuhou, Volume II, Number 3, 22 July 1873 — Prayer. [ARTICLE]


•• Thc eUeoiuul K-miU [.mui'.ul' tlu iigiitiviis| liiau availeth iuiieh. Prayer is goi)iK mu(.l when from thc heart v is the ibod of the suul. i)ut it hs to he noted —that for it to uvail mueh, it is not enough that it he fervent, it must be eiieehial. It iiiUbt ēiTeoi soiijctlriug, oi* it īs of īio avail. Ifc iivcM āo something, if It woukl move anjthing. Trnc prayer is desire, and deeire is alway* demonstrativc. When \ve fcel \ve must aet. VTc iuust clasp t feed, or otherwise bies< \vhonisoever we truly love, The heart eannot he contcnt with thc uttcranee of the mouih. When the heart rules our action, our hand gocs eveii bcforc our nxouth. When we love ? we do more than we sav. When * %■ we love o\iY fellow man, and he ls slek, and on the h!ghwaj, or on Molokai, wichOwt suito!>lc hOKsiag īqv Ms wvctdied body, we not to enter ih.e to pray for hiin; but we go to him, and bind up his wouikii? and £et liiiii on hls journey eomforted, and with the liope of .findiag u better w.orld, ov if uur aiomaeh is too weak for thid we give freely of uur means to thoso who fear not to lay iheir liulkU upou his and to poui' oil into hie vvouuds. fto\v 6omc of our bretiiren nnd t?istei;s blcd last Fridav in a church to pray for ihe poor lepers ou Molokai. and for thc ttay of tiiedisease. And vvc w Iheui ,oy our oißce beantifullv arrayed, uiul *eated in many pleasant earriagee whieh bore thein eonifertabh i,. one of t!ic frequeutcd. i\>peetublc ivtrcats for piavcr; and they spake and prayed fer the <<paee of an hour or e:>. for thc nieu aiul womeu, wlio lav iu * thetr iaisoc % v <ju Moloku';. Now ag;iin we iaw, at the timc of e;u'lj da\vn, vrheu llio uio;t ofrosj.vctnble people are i« bed, -a mau liuriy,iugdo\YU tlic Btrect togoto Molokai, uihl we wauted to talk. with hiui of ouv nyni]ixvtli\ :uul prajers fjr tho poor wrctdu\=i of t!io siOk !aud, but*V.o s;ūd, bavo uo timo to talk. l'Ooauso if I do, 1 uiay Ijsc n»y eluuiee to got ou l>oard tlie liUle s>ehojuer that !eavw early aud wliloli wi;l bcur uio to Mol»ka; wli;'l\or I a:u goiug to : orx for thc i-'

J lepers. M - And he a lilile lak', ani .1;;: jSchpOD-r iiad k*ft the wliarf, but liu being yrg*:" | by big great lovc, ealleil oat for a boat, and :i • * took an oar into his han<L and it heinii In KJ ! T ,: 7 ® f j hea|rt to go, he got on board, un«.l now \vith :! f - j leper* on Molokai* | Now who think ti l uly pr u j for these eigl J huidred t?on«»wful eouI«J? they who went m i eaniage6, and in gavniyiitts of c-Aois unt i the respecfablc hou«e jof }jrajer ? Or he wli ■ has;ted to go unto them jui the little misery iSCiiooner? Tou iauBt answei even as the qui- - j bling lawyei did, nnd say, the one that srioic~ ' j mevcy ." Then go ye, and <k* &om€thrny !ikewlsf: j anc| then your *ffccljual fervent prayer wlll av\:' i i ■ I i' '