Nuhou, Volume II, Number 4, 25 July 1873 — Cannibalism in Hayti. [ARTICLE]

Cannibalism in Hayti.

The iUn4>loodeel negroes m Hay?i an«l cveu in «irt*£>f Ban DomiiJgo havc, to «ome estent> lapged i l aek to their Alrican eaYagerj. This resu!t le m ] of emancipatioii, ]eadiDg to rcvoltS| r.nd xoa«Bacres, mi the <Jestri\ctiou of the fbrmer * Prench populalion, who ha4 at oue! Hme, ob their portion of the ielani, 720 fiourishiDg eugar planMlone, Occasional iuetanceg of ?eticbiim bave heen dl£eovered of late jears on the ruined plantationp of South Caro!ii),. ,uJ" Louieiana» and if lt were poeeihle to maaeawie all $h? white populatio ? » there anJ to lolak tbci» any fore!gn ?nfluence ae In Hujti, it le verj erUin that the bkck race in the?e Sk\tee >vould *apee hael to fctleh and e.umihnliMu :n eplte • of m their Chrietuui inetrud*on— f he | imwe U hāt dore d tbe Wmi īndle€, |