Nuhou, Volume II, Number 5, 29 July 1873 — "Ishmaelite!" [ARTICLE]


Ye*. wo ai:e oi' ihak' raee; t>{* ihe li'ihe of Uhnmel, ■; whom God ehall heaL\" We liave lived with <;ur uiothev advemty in the wilderness of 'Lanai', \There we have suflerecl wUh i!urst; but Ood \yas with u5, aud apoke unto our heart to- '>e the a fr iiatioii. Awd art thou an īsaaeite? dare $ay. Wc douht not but that thou art of the of Isaae, a deseendant of the ram whieh .wa? jsacrifieed m the '?te;ul «»f thv anees(oj 4, s '•'•;:o^^t<n ,,, s son. •> ~- " ' ,- ' - ■■ ' ' 1