Nuhou, Volume II, Number 6, 1 August 1873 — "Journalistic Dignity" [ARTICLE]

"Journalistic Dignity"

lb diiou.sscd bv the Editor of the Orgrai of "All Saintss; —l»y him that was evcr reacly to publish anythiiig cvil against his neighbor; who was ealled to thc ]>ar of the Legislature, and reprimande4 for his mean, slanderous abuse of puhlie men; who was denouneed by the prescnt Minister of Foreign Affairs } from his seat among the Nobles, as a ct pig-headed persistent slanderer" and whose chief charactcristie in tbis community is.that.of a defamer of privatc character. Now, ,this man, —this Buborncr, or prompter of false testimony against his neighbor : —this " Ishmaelite editor of the pasfc pretends to talk of journalistic digni,ty. now that he has got a foeman who is rcgarded as more than a match for his drivelling pen. and endeavors to shelter himself behind dignity. ĪTe. an*exp v onent of ct journalistic dignifcy " indeed ! Fveferring to what is said about scurrilous publication in California. he says ; it applies as appropriately to our eity just at this ti£ie, and to at least onesheet hc-re, as •-V it ever did to any in Califovnia> To notice such a publication as that referred to. or to aid in its production, support or eirculation, is tolowerone to its level, for such a sheet would be a disgrace even to thc pollutcd atmospherc of thc <c Fivc Point "in New York. No journalist 5 or government officer blackguarded by it. having any respect :fbr should even stoop to defend himself againsfc its coarse Billingsgate.' *

Considering wherc these remarks are founcI 5 the resiilent of thcse islands would wondcr in his mind, as to what sheet they referred to. In his perusal of the Nuiiou he has seen a great deal of banter, ridieule. and official rotfsting: but not one vvor'd of abusc of privatc character; in thc Ādc€rtiscr whilst under its present management, he must have observed at all times an editorial deeorūm that sought to avoid personalities ; and the Fricnd is of eourse above suspieion, buf in the journals under the charge of the cditor, who makes the above remarks, he must havc obscrved frequent instanees of mean personal attacks ; and in the very paper whleh eontams thc above deoimeiaiion of eciUTility he wil!, if a residont,and if āu»iliar with theeonißtant <!īsty inpimmtionsof tbis editor, see and understanri an illustration of his sneaMng ? infamous, eowardly blackguardism. Aftd he has a lot of mmks io hcfp him throic dirt in the darfi.