Nuhou, Volume II, Number 6, 1 August 1873 — A bag of Wind [ARTICLE]

A bag of Wind

Advocates the manufacture of. īnal l>ag« for the Austraiian Sugar Trade. This bag yf wiuU that has 1101 an idea of its own ; or the slightcst originality, but i.< stale,. fiat, and unpro_pAetable, is not eapahle of the generous acknowledgment, that we originated the mejxtion of, and urged this manuf*acture in our No. 20 of our first voluine. We then saiu, it was better to make the niat bag at home than to import the keg. T>y the this bag of wiiul admits that three-f'ourths of our next crop will go to Australia in mats no maitcr if īt does.