Nuhou, Volume II, Number 6, 1 August 1873 — "Bent Upon It." [ARTICLE]

"Bent Upon It."

The papoi' that does (lie Go\ei'nmont pi'iiitiug and toadying, says if the ir Admimstratiou had beeu henl upon it, they uūglit have elleoted a treaty already,"' Now, that's rough ou Ministere. Tiiey \vere uot beut 011 it. Thcu \vhat have they beeu bent ou all this tiuie ? They liave been bcnt 011 gettiug oue liuudied dollars a week, and that 8 about all, |>ut you ought not to let your f«gleinaii talk that way about you, aud say what slow eoaehēe you l.ave bceu. Ile'll «\y Bom«thiug worse by aud bye, and diiigraee you, aud īuin your eause; —he is " bent upou U," Wc feel ihat Miuwlei'!? mufit be eoustraiued to say ; i>ave ui> l'ioiu eueli editorial fneudt\" '*| , _ 15P A subscrif lion } i uper lu\s l>ccu goiug arouud lown, for tlioso n\ lio u staiid 011 reciproclt^/ % e will eomcthing ou it - t if tbej thc |K\ji vv to >\c undci>;taiKl it i$ to liolp somc virtiKMis jvMi«g meu to mSke bxpen*es ln go.ttlng up a mcoting liuu.