Nuhou, Volume II, Number 7, 5 August 1873 — The Samana Bay Company [ARTICLE]

The Samana Bay Company

. A-.c favoi;.l'ly f._r thelr intoiV;i;; but I uet fco favorubly for tl:e ititevef(- of the Kepuhlie :of San Domicgo. 'l'ho r oi't yf Saiaana bciug dc- ; claved free, conu«evcc i? likc'y to bc witln.lra\vu | ftom Ssao Domiogo, Aiu.i anū olliei- ports of tl:e ' islauJ; cuk! ui eonwnueaee of ''eeliuo of vcvcduo. ■ tbc go\cruuiciU \*'H l»i>nkrui>t auJ Luve !to sell oi;t aUogrtl,;M'. T!fi- of eourse was tLc I i»urfOi:c of Dictatov l>ac.: and hi- frionJ- ia tlic ; miuiitry, t;auticr uud Dclmoutc They tricd | harJ to sclt out aiul rctiiv to Fraucc wilL a suug I fortuuc iulS6?; aud n.nv tīicy \vou't uiake uiueL , of a fortuuc out of wlji;U ilie samāSa Paj Company gave thcm; an-3 tlicj vill eee tluit tlicy told ! tlieir country for a llowctcv, Pouiit niean mulattoc? wen willing.

gp IV K:<osva &\p that l»rvi:gL; a p?titiou Troui Wuiluku >igni\! l\y HV> uauies 4 oppo?*vl jesslou of Pear! Itar v or. uua oiher t*tJov.s to U c &utk* we ;r fr\nu M/nil, \*ith , n:~rty $ignAtuu 4 j