Nuhou, Volume II, Number 9, 12 August 1873 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

STEAMER KILAUEAt MONDAY, AUGUST 18th. WILL LEAVE IJOXOLCLU Al' 8 l>. 51., j touching first at La oaf, thence t-i Lakaina and Maalaea Bay, returning will leave Maalaea Bay at 2 P. M'., Aug. 19, and LaMiiia a| 0 game WEDNESDAY, ; : : : AUGUST 20th, j Will wave at 4P. M. v | For the Circuit of Kauai. . ' '■ "" "■ aull 2t \ 'il THE 10l\TAl\! ' THE I N DERMGXED begs to :i Ilfv thj rubU • of Hone-RK-OPEN THK ABOVE EsTAIiLISUMEX 1 FIRST-CLASS BOARDING HOUSE aucl Rostnurant ! i On Sunday Morning, August 3d, Whore wHi be found, served in'the best style, ail the sub* suuuials and delicacies the market affords. The services of Cooks and Waiters have been procured, and facilities ire unequalled. Thi< Establishment rajs \\* butcher's a:id baker's oills every week, and consequeuily the same rale of settlement will i»o required from custodiers. Sii.OO |»ri Week ; LuucLu*, heretofore 0 to l 1 A, M.; leaner. fwtu .12 M.toJ IV M ; v Ui) t ! 5 7\\ M, I Am 1,1>7. ROBKUT K\CttOF t\ IH^nietor.