Nuhou, Volume II, Number 11, 19 August 1873 — A DRY DOCK [ARTICLE]


Woalel be a livo enterpnse for Honolato,j and pay far bettcr than trying to resuscitate ilie dead horse of ,reciprocity. We have got the depth of water, and just the situation for a dry dock; and suppose that we had a structure and the fact of its existenee, and its moderate charges \vere raade j known throughout the Pacific and through-. out the maritime world. do you think you. would- have to wait long before you \vould j have a liveliev port than you ever had be-;j fore ? Ships of war would be continually; using such a dock, and many ā ship in dis-1 tress that strains an endeavor to cross the | Paeific and reach San Francisco or Callao, ! would put in here at onee, if we had a dry dock, The dry dock of Callao is the chief sourcc of that pbrt's vitality. It is only sue.h laci]ities as a repairing dock affords, that makes and sustains a port; What might not this port become if we only had a few live men in it that could see something, and woukl risk something? Instead of that we have only men who live on the eharges, inade out of the small and struggling pro-j duc'tlōn uf; the country, and who will do nothing to foster and promote inerease of prodirction and commerce, unless it is toJntrigue with a weak government, and to l>eg ,inexperienced King to sell out his conn-j - trv for their beneiit. ".. We have no merchant;s here,- —ontv mid-l • I lemei —wiio absorb an onerous dividend of | nie pro<.lucer's productSj and who will riskj not!iing on new production, un!ess it ab-: : -o!iitelv certain in its returns. The<t aiel one er two notablo exceptions to this state-| ineni, but a general rule Honolulu has| uone of the Jiberal, enterprising ? mercantile { spirit, that aided more thari the situation in! ! 1 building up the ports of the eommei-l eial world. Honolulu $llould a great| port. A dry dock would bc a . most imj)or-j. tant siep towards Jt. Then ? oh you Houo-J expect to stay liere, and are; .not phinn;ing\to go away as soon as you ean! make a little "mt>re raise of money <?iit of: HK 1 couutry, eoine togefher and!ook mto tiits? matter, and a company,—a HonoluluJ dry doclc company,—and subscribt al! you; 'an, and. set fbrth vour fair and houest J scheme -bcfore the liberal raerchants of San' 'SydiKy, Melbourne; Auēkland uid \ ictoria, who will take an interest hecause they will see that it will pay, but wlxose chief inteuM v\ dl be itispired by tlie; ntcf ihaf t!vey l»t\e the evidence of some; ineu in Hono! iliL who have coumge i uml enterpris( md judgmeut, who tiave <ome pride ātid >ome hope in their pre^ent ! liome, time and means to promoio its prosperity ; *uid who a?e animated j by the high and liononhh purpose to make; this the it free port oi the Paeiiie, \ Kpi* d nmitv i? well cstap!isfeQd in' Uonoiiila, W< i thveo Ministerml Oishops, 1