Nuhou, Volume II, Number 13, 9 September 1873 — A Little Wine [ARTICLE]

A Little Wine

Wa* given to n&bj J>ur M\nx at>outbrcast bigb K> lboelinnoi laMe, ;vh! weh;^. accustome(! talc a 111110 m a!' tlie dnp shuv then —tbat wbei*Yer we ecu!3 : *: Wc e?tiTm n lvtt!o of goc4 clirot us auieh !eg of nuitton ; arul wbci\ are $ouvul th\ njro ndm!Tiiblc hntniotii?crs of t!io when a l!tt!e out of tunc wltb t,n! To reīv citbcr you mvs?t ari,l «\irfc them t j tbc $vkv.' ot yoiir brO\r ; aisc! v*Wn you bavc tv V tf*m or cvirr»p 3 ar.d appcttte b .- pWsumb!e importurw£ ery wien yoii | ijta& tvtojct &Mutio-& jkvS yoa ?:*

eiown tu a tcnder ruast, vvlth appropriate cscu!ents aud a smtable port!on of the staff of life 3 how eatisfjing, toning anel invigorating is the oeeaeional deglutition of a modest sip of pure 3 tart, ehoiee c!ciret, eueh as we have drank in the vinouß plains of beiutiful France, where the pure juice of the grape is m plentiful as pure water on our ißles. How bountiful thcrc is the fluid that ls typiea! of the blood of Christ, īfc is too pleintiful to be so genera 1!v adu] teiated, as some sicklj sto2iiaehs who dare nc>t eve'n" take a drink of pop, delight to saj. Why, if 44 rosantline aiul othēr poieonoua €ompounda are so generallj preeei3t in wine as the teefcotalists saj, we Titusites who take a litt!e wine for the stoiaaeh's eake, ought to be a siekly looking crowd. But on the scoreoflooks and 6tamina we are willing to inakea show of phjsique with the eokl water folks. Come now, Btand out in two rows, faee to faee, men, women, iind ehildren, old and joung, about five hundred 011 eaeh side, to be taken from the tabooing and the 64 take a liftlewhite population of these isles, and see whieh side has got the most sallow eheeks, crooked backs, 6lab sides, eat hams, and serawny plijsique generallyj and eonsequentlj shows most sign of being poisdndd or diseased bj a weak-liveredasceticism. We don'tsaj, whichside would make the besfc show, but we have our opinion,"and wr think there are no two opinions on this subjeet among impartial obscrvers iii this We will only say this, that we who * l3ave been through the bittcr \vars of life aud in manj a hard fighfc in inany a elime, 10, these manj long years, and have never declined a glass 'oī good wine at a proper time, are willing to compare points with any editor of our years and| heakh, or even those of a little less, and whoi have eschewed the poison of the grape : and are wiliing to try isiSues with them in any way that wiil.test. the health or the pluek of a man.