Nuhou, Volume II, Number 14, 12 September 1873 — A "Rowdy Meeting." [ARTICLE]

A "Rowdy Meeting."

Tfcut"s what the Gazdti ailh the poliaeal jeetirjg at. Kauinakapili Churcb la«t Moilday vening ? bufc if it had beēuacrowcl toetidorBeauj -etion of fche Ring, how it woukl have been epoken ji as a public epirited assemblage inasses the !>o»e, sinew, and maeele" of th. Lountrj. That *• b|ood m thicker fchan \vater^' , \yaa illustrated during our muthiy, the mm a* at the bombardiDg of Peiho Forts ? # , OT. "■ When eiiall we three meefc again/l This »11 quofc6d was BuggeBfced to our mmd Suniiaj evening as we obscrved fchree diBtiuguiehed —editors in immediate justapoiifcion at Churcl). iSP The constituted Authorities, Bhould be -übtained and prayed foi\" Ju£t so, But suppose every one of them belonged to the ofcher hurch, over th£ wray, what then?—-Ora pro «obis peccatoribus omnibus f Naīo-aikae—lb the Hawaiian vvovd ibr a backT *iter; but it meaps litterally 6omethiDg more -han biting the bask ; and isa etrikiDg example of *.he Hawaiiane* |fractieal illustration ofan idea, lt is just the wbrd tl>at onght to be ueed ibr a -hnderer, if we dared to it nterally, LeMonnyer, late (\mnnissioner f france, Jeft us on board the C»Vf? Kka laet Sitorday, aeeompanieeī with the kind and eord!:\l srood wishes of every person ? of every shade of pinion in thie eomniunitj, We are ' rn that he received a lett€r of hJgh oommendim fr\>m his sviperior in the Ministiy at T\iris: KiJ that ho is *ppointed to joln the impiit\nt N'ew York ConMihte*