Nuhou, Volume II, Number 15, 16 September 1873 — Our Economical Government [ARTICLE]

Our Economical Government

llas taken somc pains to eserclse "its only po!icj and hobbv ; but in accordance wit!i the plan of saving at the spigot whilsfc \vaste was going on at the bung-hole. In thls instance, the spigot, \vas our Household Troops hired at $5 per moiith, with 3odgmg, clothing and raliont-« Our inespensive braves liad been accustomed to draw 150 lbs. of beef, and poi adlibitum along with their sixteen cents, or \eight peneea day. But our eeon- j omists anxious to save the country with their cheese paring parsimony, cut down the ration of| beef one-third, and poi to an allowanee of two pounds per day, Now it was possible for our sons of Mars to sustain baralife on tlie two pounds of pol, and about one pound and a quarter of beef a dav ; but thej like every ehikl of the eoil owned! a dog; ani whereas under the old liberal dispenL>ation they eouki share enaeks with their eanine c-omrade: but now they eoukl no longer do so,bev'ause economists had cut off the dog'sration, and those who kbow our Hawaiians know that one of his favorite mottoes is, " love me, love my dog. v And :hence the begirining of disafieetion, owing to an econ(jmic discrimination against army dogs, Now if saying had only commenced at the oung-hble, or " Ilorse Guards f rf instead of in tlie keuneL the country uiight have preserved its tranquiiity• lf t!ie Mmister of War whose salary represents the pay of aghty-three <prhale* y or morc thdn tke ppty roll qf„the wīwle ar?ny; or if his subordinate ihe Adjutant, whose pay is equal to thirty or nearly one half the army, eoukl' have eonsented' to eo'nie reduction of this tax upon the puhlie trea>ur\ not withstanding their anhwvs, onerons, anJ <nc< mit dutmin tke rarning of ?/, aiid to huve de(erred their eeouomies upon the pdor soldier and his dog, we might now posseBi? in the interest of the puMie welfare, a eheape? farcc than we ean get under any other eircumstaneeii ; and faithfufly devoted to the pre~ servatzon of the puhlio peaee; for mind you, when we opposed the army, it wa6 not t!ie poor, e!teap Ho'ldicr, tho b!oated, humbug ofa War J>epartmcttt.! And now we ask tōu, tl>oughtāil people, eau

I you not disccm how 6 a meiin and mi.Rc!iievou>s 1 cconomy in being occupied with raving at t!ie j spigot 3 among the tuilers uf the countrj, and wasting at the bung, that Icj to fcay upon high salaried incompetenev, ha.s led to al! our reeent troūbles. and possible roisfortune?