Nuhou, Volume II, Number 15, 16 September 1873 — "The Army is Abolished," [ARTICLE]

"The Army is Abolished,"

GENER4L Miiitahy | Bj authōritj m me bj the Conc.titutiOß ās ! Oomman<!er in Chiof of the Militarj Forees of! Mj Kiōgd6m;i do hembj cleelare tbe orgaciza-! tlo» iiiowu as tbe HoueehoM Troop? to be aod I the same herebj is ? with the exeeptioa of thc! disbaßded tbe offieers and men entrfled ! thereto, to reeeivd an lioDorable : + '■ © i GiTen under My hand and seal at Waikikl thls !ith day of Septunhcr D. 1873. ; By tlie King, LUNALILO R. 1 Ciias, R/Bisaor, v ; Sccrvtary gī Hw. Tims has been aeeomplished one of tbe seven • propoeitioiiS' whieh we publi6hed \n the first ~ tiumber of (Im \oluibo •

ar i f i? s>:uetimcs a preventi f i\e againft !>leedm£ .it t)i iuH\tv> keep otber peo-; ' f bu*iuesi?. * I