Nuhou, Volume II, Number 15, 16 September 1873 — The Attorney General [ARTICLE]

The Attorney General

*f Of tho Kingdom anel one of tlie King's Mhilster£, threatenB foreign intervention. During tlie mūtiny on Xuesdaj last, Mr. A, F, Jud<;l, in the presence"of Mr, J. Moanauli, a highly respeetable and intelligent Hawaiian gentleman, and other witnesseB, made use of the following words : u Ina. e hoomalu ole ia keia haunaele, alaila ua pono e hele.mai no o Amenka e hoomalu a huki i ka hae Amenka." If tbis disfcurbanee ie not quieted, it 'will be necessary for America (meaning its authoritj as represented here) to interfere, and to hoist the American flag. Attomey Generai Judd has also maue other statements espressive of his desire, on an assumed failure, to upho!d the authoritj of this Km^dom ? to eall in fbreign nid in order to erush out the independenee of the people of this eountrv, and to plaee a forfcign fiag over them. And yet the Ministrj pubīish a denial in respect to propoeing or eontemplating the invoeation bf fbreign aid. But in view of these stafements and othēr evidenees we bring forward ioday, what must be thought of the sense of honor, or _patriotism of this Minister, or of tlie eandor of -his colleagues who pnblish eueli an unqualified i denial.