Nuhou, Volume II, Number 18, 26 September 1873 — Who is the Alien. [ARTICLE]

Who is the Alien.

That i?. aecording tothe Governmeot uai»er, tryiog to " : incittfpolitical ul§turbanccs?" It ,isccrtaiiily "not ttie publisher* editor, $!iep!icrd, pljilos- - or Jcnkins ol' th\* jouvnal; and it cTuuiot ?>e tlie proprietoi> oi'Hhe A<tr* r/i>rr\ v;lio as a tirm. are a " tlie iuaiHtfr born/' It must be one orsUin M' tho>v Ilawaiian born who ih certain poHPieal iauods, like to epeak of the:nselvcs as ** we Americans, M espēcial!y wlien advoeating a ce?sion of llawaiian territory, a> ;i the -•:UitionVonly Uope jbr prosperity .Kow \\ere they advoeatinp; a nka>eacoutol a govornuu iit ring, do you think thatthey would bcre!igiously " defending the good uame ( oi'a Mhustry that opposed thcm? Can yc>u iaiaginc eueh support oT a go?emmeut,"on the* part ior instance of our hamm illogical editorial brothcr ? if 1k \nmicing in vain for a printing job at tlu of a " eonupt Mlnistry " that kept the printing all in their own hande ? \'ou cannot think dcar reāder ; we kr.:w <r.v*h a ?> bev

thc [io\\cts of yo«r imngi!\ation ; cxi it c^rtfiinly īa- bcvond our bclief. %/ But now that tUis cditor is in thc v«ng. thc Go?ornaient "eapaMe and Ih>nest."" And hon9stn » doubt it h, as \ve dont beiieve that j aiiy member of it will take any more than his salary, even if he doe* not earn it; and your mondv. givid stran£cr, \vould T)e ?afe in their r«/ ' O Q hands. oi it lea>t you would be bure to get back from ont ninety conts (5 fr;mcs) in silver for every j Ameiiean dollar m gold you placed fbr pafe keep- j ing. That is lawlul and that i& honest," and | tlie iāw awarde it, auu therefnre \siiv thi? eommciit ? Ah. why ! Because wiiiist there iaay he honoaty in the pivate detaii>, uf a man"s lii'e, there j ruay be great dishonesty in his exerei?e of the ie-1 sponsibili/ies of Governine:U, Think yei;, that a j Minieter is honest; who powerless to restore j order : <and powerless to the honOr of a >ov- j eteigb, yet will accept salary as thoug!i for the ; perfect fulfilhuent of hia puhlie functi<<n? Wej eay nay : and say larthermore, that some weak, ! <! diahonest and corrupt ,i»ffieials " have erept into power; , V and we in seeking to i4 ejeet such from offiee, as truly aim to uphold the good uame | of the (iovermuent/' when we aidcd in puttina' d<nvn a īuoi/' . ' ! . i • ' t And moreovei% vve want to that tht' alien' in politieal sentiment, or otherwise, who seeks lo ! aliendte the territory of the land in wiiieh he \ lives, and moveB, and has hit? being, ;i traniceucls : his legitimate spherc ,r (although in his ease, we ! dont know \vhere it is) Ci and desi«;ncdlv in 1 ' O n ; creating among the people agalnst the ; Ciovernmeut of the lanil r ' (a fact) " and forfeits ' the protectic'n whleh. \v;>nld be otherwi*e due to liim.** ■ : YVe borrowed this dīii:s:ler, oue it tht- brav-; 7 v i\v* thnndeiyr himself. •; »w dont it ? I -'I- S , . •• ! !