Nuhou, Volume II, Number 18, 26 September 1873 — The "Askold" [ARTICLE]

The "Askold"

Hus eM"ected her repairs and urnuiaentation, and she is now 'in her holidaj attire to re-| eeive visitors ? whu are weleomed with Eus<ianj and iiheraiitj; and *Ir* evidentlj [>re- j pured tj be a? bounteou> U» her as to her, • iier ueavj .guns eight iong rided uinety-six i pounders are !)eauties, and work to a enann. VTe have not seen before in thxs Port eueh peaeeinakei>. These dread tubes are made oi' sueh' perleet, tuird, reionant;6teel, that 30U strike theiu with even the palm 6f your liand a elear; iuetallie tone to the blow, and wheu thej diseliarge theii hundred weight of iuetal they emit a lou*J I>eJLl like tor»e froui their true tteel, that. ■ ehiiue> larawav, loug after the roar uf fche disehavge is past anii g»>ne. l>ut it in theloadmg that thebe are thc to be admired. lt cffeeted by a eham'.Hn*, *>r eurtiidge soeket, whieh is made to ide with aduurable ease iuaud out of one j*ide of the breeeh, When the $liding ehamher is withdvawn, you have aelean view froui 1 butt to muzzlo through the Tifled tul>c; and wheu fche eartridgt k is t <lid intv» poMtion, and the gun charged, the expiosive eap to the eve in thc ecntre of the hutt cnd of the pieee, Thej cvidcntly eurpa>s the Avm>troug breceh-loaders iu fncility and BeeutUy And it i?> evideat t>efore ! vou that there are men on board, \vho know how I to lmndle t!ie>e pieee* We vvate!ied uouie t M' their nr*ietier, ifhev !u\\t ;U * h>rgct

' 6ix fcet hīg!i.' acd plf.eed on t!se ioof* ar distanoe of I .SHO fee:. Everv tolu wc. | withio vlj~>2 range of; the mark : t!ierc w:*:.. ' wili on« i 5, ai 1 tl-e ibit" 50C>r5'i >:p.n>!ie-i t:>:£k. ; v : : :v;:. ī:" I <*et t > t)iece-. ;: : *■■; ::: ; :- fe;; I i:wV ,-:C ,;■ '-i ■=■:,- . | The ship has &ix 1 - ! aiso a GatliD£ an 1 ndmirfiMv fitte I i 0 ,C> ' I all that pertain«» to her mechanie;a uepartr I II r faci!ities f<r pi'Ovīding for the su'»3ip?te::;*, ! otecer? and men. are |all »'xeellent. an<l - ! onij one thing to wiiib!i we wouM object, that - | her lowness l;»etween tjeck», wliieli - - ; ānu seamen. who are ;Sve feet ten t j stoor» the: lieads: but in this a> n other instanees of i did war etructure3, t!ie navo.l architect ēr«ci-ī- -, the comfort of tall pfomenaders to Btrepg" j oI batterv. However the I»erth (leek īs Itig!i onoiw' ! for nearly all the we saw. Thej ;*ee;iK ! Btrong compaet fellows, that avcrage peiuā; - I about tive fcet j*ix. l«»ok like stout yov z ! g!adiators. but they |have oot the look of : *or ; aeamen, whieh they aie not butareall ruraly^; : :' - I from the plain? ofj the Volga, the tand Astrachan, and otjier parts of tbe i:itrior of Russia. an 1 vet with their tn\iniL_ I thev bccome ekillful rnarīners ? and all or:-. • ! marines ; and their *hip is to them until i leave her, to go buck| to their native villag j ; | a part of their belovec| Russia, so that there is l- ; fear of mutiny s or defeertion s as there i* i:\ t: j ease of the wiid Jacks nursed ia the the ever fretful seas of; old Engiand and Anieiio l r or uf battle ani havigal : ; perimps thesc weil tr;jined, o-»edient land>me:: ; Oentral Europe are ;as eSficient warrior> o ; seamen as may be found ; but lct tlie condit::'- - be 6omewhat irregular, let stoims rage that i seamen*s soulB, let the|'e be espeeialespeditijLis ! cutting out that eall for individual daring unsu; i ported, and then |>erh|aps our we'* feet *' tl: : ou| t!\& 6tuxjtt wouki havc . ; 6tomach to meet e-ueh issucs on the .. ; trained landsman> whe» begins lns apprent;ces!i. i with manhood, could ever have. As we lookcd, hovvcvei\ iipjii the Muscev.. I mariners, and obscrvcd thclr fjm ;u -. I aetive mōvcmcnts, aspccially wheu a j them; iaore thau -00 at one time, were HouuJl , ing in their aa like a school of iiuU | tritons, we felt that ,they s with thelr ter:v.ū ' guns, were well qualined to uplioli tl:c h-n - -: - * intere?ts of t!:eīr country upou the seas. ' The ofliccrs are evid|:ntly gentleme:u \s I:. . | the professīonal 6kill and high sensv ei :u\ . ] honor. t» th|?:?i t s eomman! t!u ! ( soamcn of the worlu | W e hope lU$ iuipenal Ma % > ... I veue, now ia port ? wiil vsUisfaetoLily aeeompli? i hcr mission of suvveillaiiee and 1:: j uorthcn\ *ea>j and after a tlme east : auchv'i ia Cromstadt llarborj witli all weli . happily weleomei Ikuik • > . heloved oucs ia Hoij Ku&ia.

; «gf* T!te steamor !o;\vcs t!u> aUeu./. K:\uai [ toivturn SaivU% 1

ifip For ;i iuan t|> be cou6cious of : nrrivtHl i\t a pouU \\) C\>ttversatioii whoa lie t\ et>mes a t»oro. ami to ;jvoid fartbet uiāīelloii. »g»«it wisdom : but w!k> I< o-|wal to it in i b!«tant i*!es * j

Tho squabblo< boiwooa (ho Ca\vk? ji..a 1.4.. - ow tbe of po ho!j plaee* Li Jot;^:.: ;l*w b**a aaU tbe L u;, <|0 P.n:o