Nuhou, Volume II, Number 18, 26 September 1873 — "Sacredness of Government" [ARTICLE]

"Sacredness of Government"

le an oxpreseioii thiit may weli be applied to the \ polilieal institutiODB of a eoui3try whieh the geniae oi' ite people hav.e^esta,bliehed, or eueiain j S'as- tKe best means for tbeir eivil orgaDization, » whether tbat be moiiarehj, or republicani£m ; | but the tcrm is not applieahle to one or more • | functionariee whoee iccumbencj of oĒiee, or j j whose characters are not e«sential to"the vitalitj | oi a governroent- | Are thc Ministry the mocarchj? Aod is a certain eh<]U£r the ebBcntial government oī this f -cot, and the people who "hearken to our loud and feartase protest' think not. These people have eome of that I einotionof patriotiem" spoken of the ] preacher ; who saye that it has oiten *acri£ced < riches and kindred and life iteelf Tor tlie natieiial' ; j j esistence and well being.' % Thej maj not '>e eo ! j violent as the nations that have been wont to | pour out their blood and trea6ure even to aven<:e j* O ! ja blow upon (their cpuntry"e) authority and to [ maintain its mviolablenese.;' But they love it | none the lesB and will eee no sacre<Jnee6 " in jaDy government funetionariee w!io would j therr polUieal birth-right and t£eneh on the in- | tegrity of the national domain to meet the'wiehes | or rfeede of a epeculative pressure. Alf, how |" sa<?redie. govornmc ! nt when h eui:s ue, and how juet ie oppoeition to tjranny when we Lo].e |to be beneStted bj a change. If we had onlj I beard eueh a ae we have beforc ue from \ l hat pulpit during tßc late ivigi\ 9 we mightbeUer ! reepcct ite utteraucc now. 1 Thc voicc that onee epoke thcro planned the jo\ertbrow of thie goveniment whieliie 44 ordviiuvd and had plenty of eympathetlclietenere | to hm viewe ? «nd perhape if 410 wae baek 4ind hle friende in power % he would*now elstextaiu ue with the '* <acredne?e cf civil government, io ae. The nation, the lv«r£ooD. » i: l Lwi- a:e tv,cv*H3 ; but ncuv

far;Otiona:'K> wh ; ) al!qwe.l their authoritv thc King'* roya) honpi' tc be trod t]* on and .trailed in t!ie uirt, w u hav" i:either a poliey, t j ! advan:e, )v_r the eapi.C!ty to defcnd «-ne; tb:y ha\e >■ " "* whieh \ve r»--j ee:.