Nuhou, Volume II, Number 21, 7 October 1873 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]

A fAshionable dressmaker From saxfrancisco solicit* thf PATRONAGE OF THE LAtJfci Patterns oi'the Latest Styles * For f£>. to gtn-J ty pest at 00 cents te:L--s-.v [HAWAIIAN HOTEL. the FOT XT u\: REDUCTION OF PRICE, §5,00 PER WEEK. W ill lo o O a x* xo■ cs c> sa. FIRST-CLASS |... i;vEji¥ : ■;;; j ..-j A Plef.sp.r.t Retired Kccir. for ladies ' ICE CREAM; AT ALL TIMES ' MR. UYCROFT mil j-c-ejc-ivc r<■» Ctila Rica. of Flip acil Restaurant Checlis/rtni rro]ist s sv cirry :i: Us K est an rant in first-class San Francisco si vie. auIS

fe 5 a ■> h -•V A. HERBERT, : j PROPRIETOR. rPHIS bas become the most popular institution el X *his city, It is thp one, which recommends us most to the favorable consideration cf strangers Everyone who arrives 1 in Honolulu indulges in an expression of surprise' to find so large, so elegant, and such a well appointed Hotel. It ecst a good sum, but it is well the money. The ehiei projectors and promoters cf the luiluitig were blamed ior having erected sucL an extravagantly large edifice ; but before a year has expired since a was opened it is frequently found :o le too small tc accommodate its throng :;lu the proprietor is about to erect four cottages u mec tlir demand upon his lij-spitati'.y. The building is lighted with gat. The fining Rwm is a spacious noble hall,and can scat ia*} person |at table. The parlor i£ furnished very luxurlcusly, ;anu lias a superior toned :\r ;Lc entertain [ itcnt cf guests. is a Bllliaul Sikon provided [with three Sthrale &| Co.*s patent cushion taller "■ "■ ■ ■■■" • ■ ■ v '■*-* - ' vi «««». t* mi .Ww* itiiiuia v % V\ > i.-il .vCisJ, warn>, and shower batlis attached Travelers from all cf the world who are new bought here in comfort by the commodious stea«iahips of the line* say unanimously that there is no house cf public entertainment cn the Pacific coast, or in tW British Colonies which surpasses in point of comfort and elegance the ne& Hotels i There sax no extra, chaises u r convcyancc et between steamer and Houl In caaing as.,* {going; and no extra charg* k\ rmc\al d. ether extra emief J ,